Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3908: The angry sea roars!

The little fat man's eyes condensed, and his subconscious arms blocked him. The next moment, Xiao Chen's punch had hit his arms, instantly knocking him back five or six steps.

"How is it possible!" There was a burst of pain from the little fat man's mouth, and he could naturally see that Xiao Chen only had the Triple Stage of Beginning Destiny, and how could it be possible to beat him back with an ant with Triple Stage of Beginning Destiny.

"Master Geng Bo is intelligent, resourceful, generous, and strong. As a person next to Master Geng Bo, I can't weaken Master Geng Bo's reputation. Even if I only have a triple fate, I will beat you. Kneel down and beg for mercy."

Xiao Chen said coldly, he didn't know why Little Fatty was making trouble for him, and he didn't know who the Little Fatty was. He only needed to know that by holding the thick thigh of Geng Bo, he would be fearless in the City Lord's Mansion.

"Just go for a fight, he still has a high level of cultivation? Don't be funny." Hearing this, the little fat man suddenly smiled.

"Presumptuously, I dare to laugh at Master Geng Bo. You are so bold. I must make you pay the price for Master Geng Bo's disrespect today!" Xiao Chen suddenly said angrily with the expression of a loyal protector, the next moment , Xiao Chen had already launched an attack on Little Fatty.

"What are you worthy of making me pay!" The little fat man sneered and shook his arm. All the aura in his body broke out. He didn't put Xiao Chen in his heart at all before, so he would be beaten back. Now He is going to do his best.

"Then try it." Xiao Chen had already come to Little Fatty and punched out. After Little Fatty burst out of his full strength, no matter his speed or strength, he should not be underestimated, and Xiao Chen's attack easily followed.

The fighting sound of the two quickly attracted the attention of many people, but no matter it was the guards of the city lord’s mansion or anyone else, they had no intention of intervening. They just watched the battle quietly, as if they had become accustomed to it. general.

"That little fat guy is the person next to Master Geng Yang?"

"Master Geng Yang and Master Geng Bo have not dealt with each other. That kid has suffered, and I don't know how long he can hold on."

"But that kid's strength is pretty good, but it's a pity that his cultivation is still too low. It seems that Young Master Geng Bo was instigated."

The little fat man became more irritable as he fought. He was ordered by Young Master Geng Yang to find Xiao Chen for trouble, just to slap Young Master Geng Bo in the face.

Geng Yang is not from the City Lord’s Mansion. He and Geng Bo are cousins, and they don’t know why. They have never dealt with each other since they were young. It stands to reason that Geng Yang is a good genius, and Geng Bo has very poor talent since he was a child. The typical second generation ancestor, don't know how the two would dislike each other.

"Boy, you completely angered me, the sea of ​​anger roared!" The little fat man roared, he was going to crush Xiao Chen, not here to fight against Xiao Chen.

The little fat man made a few punches in succession, and suddenly the sound of a tsunami sounded. The little fat man's fists and shadows combined in a row, as if forming a tsunami, rushing towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen kept his hands in front of him, and his whole body was directly swallowed by the tsunami. He took a few dozen steps back in an instant before he could barely stabilize his figure.

"Boy, how about it? This is the stunt of the City Lord's Mansion. Have you never met a country boy like you?" The little fat man proudly said.

"What are you arrogant, you just beat me back once, you're talking about defeating me." Xiao Chen said coldly, and at the same time contacted the old man and asked him to analyze the stunts used by the little fat man.

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