Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3906: Hold your thigh!

"Is it necessary to say, of course, your wise man, magnificent and magnificent, extraordinary bearing, jade tree facing the wind, elegant figure, overlord, he is not your opponent at first sight."

Xiao Chen said with excitement, looking at Geng Bo's gaze, there was some admiration. Now that he knew that Geng Bo was not only the peak power of the Unconfused Realm, but also a person with special abilities, whether he was the real second-generation ancestor or pretending, it was so rough. The thighs must be held tight.

The Fifth Elder looked at Xiao Chen with a strange expression on his face, and he usually had an indifferent expression of the Killing God. When he talked about compliments, he didn't even breathe the air, and he still said it like a chapter. Is this really the Killing God?

"Hahaha, the kid said it well, with insight, what is your name and which force is it?" Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Geng Boman was very helpful.

"Small numbers kill gods, no school or school." Xiao Chen hurriedly said.

"No school, no school? Boy, seeing you talk so well, do you want to go to the City Lord's Mansion to work with me?" Geng Bo smiled.

"Of course I am willing. It's just a small cultivation base. I'm afraid I am not qualified to go to the City Lord's Mansion." Xiao Chen said urgently.

"As long as you are by my side, who would dare to laugh at your low cultivation base, it just happens that I lack a handyman, so you can do it." Geng Bo said proudly.

"Thank you son!" Xiao Chen hurriedly thanked.

Everyone looked at Geng Bo, slandering in their hearts, what lacked a mess, obviously lacked a flatterer, and then many people looked at Xiao Chen, with envy flashing in their eyes, even if they were a handyman behind this second generation ancestor. They were also from the City Lord's Mansion, and their status and status would also be greatly improved. They had known that Geng Bo liked to listen to flattering words long ago.

"Hahaha, I met two confidantes, beat the Patriarch of the He family, and accepted a handyman. Today, my son is happy, so I invite everyone present today to drink and have fun." Geng Bo was proud and waved his hand. , Showing the true qualities of the second generation ancestor.

"Thank you son!"

Everyone hurriedly said with gratitude, there is no bastard.

In the private room of Chunxiang Building, Xiao Chen was sitting on a wine table with everyone in fear. In addition to Xiao Chen, there was He Yingjie, and of course he was making fun of the fifth elder Zhang Baoyu.

Seeing the chattering and laughing with the fifth elder Zhang Baoyu, He Yingjie violently violently pulled his hands tightly, cursing ‘shameless woman’ in his heart, and at the same time hating his teeth itching.

Although Xiao Chen showed fear and sincerity, he still had different thoughts in his heart. Zhang Baoyu didn't know, but he still knew the nature of the fifth elders. Although the fifth elders often exposing swear words, they would also explode some bad words from time to time. How can a self-esteem and self-loving person be so slapped by Geng Bo today, but he did not break out?

Geng Bo joked with the two beauties and looked at He Yingjie triumphantly, as if deliberately angering He Yingjie, but due to the strength of the City Lord's Mansion and Geng Bo, He Yingjie never broke out.

Until the end of the wine shop, He Yingjie did not explode. Geng Bodun felt bored, said goodbye to the two beauties, and took Xiao Chen to the City Lord's Mansion.

Back at the City Lord’s Mansion, everyone saluted Geng Bo respectfully, but Xiao Chen faintly discovered that some of the people in the City Lord’s Mansion looked at Geng Bo with disdain. Obviously the people in the City Lord’s Mansion didn’t know the true meaning of Geng Bo. strength.

Xiao Chen got his wish and became a handyman of Geng Bo, and he also had a certain status in the City Lord's Mansion, but because of Geng Bo, many people in the City Lord's Mansion looked at Xiao Chen with a little disdain.

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