Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3898: Master enslaved!

"Squat down!" The grey lion said lightly, and when his voice fell, Master Heling felt a powerful force coming from the halo. He couldn't control it, and squatted down like a puppy.

"Jump up!" the greyhound continued.

Master Heling jumped directly on the spot.

"Get down!"


Master Heling lay directly on the ground. He was like a doll, unable to disobey the order of the grey lion. At this time, Master Heling who was lying on the ground was completely confused. He couldn't be familiar with this feeling, because in the past, he That's how to tease spirit beasts.

"Hahaha, what Haotian City's No. 1 Beast Trainer, I don't think so." Xiao Chen laughed.

The grey lion jumped directly in front of Master Heling, dropped its paws on Master Heling, and muttered, "From today on, you will be my favorite."

"No, it's impossible, how could this happen!" Master Heling called. He is the master of beast control. Spirit beasts are his tools. How can he become a pet of spirit beasts?

Qin Yan and others were also completely dumbfounded. Isn't Master Heling the most famous beast master in Haotian City? What is the situation now? How did he get trampled by the spirit beast.

"It seems that the matter has been resolved, let's go back." Xiao Chen smiled and went back.

"Come with me." The grey lion said and swaggered back to the valley. Master Heling passively followed behind.

Many disciples looked at Master Heling curiously in the Killing Village compound.

"I have only heard that the strong will accept spirit beasts as spirit pets, but I have never seen that spirit beasts can also accept pets."

"Is this a pet, old and ugly, not cute at all!"

"I heard that Ren Chong listens to the grey lion's words very much, and I don't know if it is true."

The crowd surrounded Master Heling, full of curiosity.

Master Heling is full of humiliation. He feels that he is like a monkey in a zoo, and he can be watched, especially if he is petted by one person, it makes him feel humiliated.

"Sisters, do you want to watch a pet show?" Xiao Aiai said excitedly when she appeared on top of the grey lion's head.

"Want to see." Everyone shouted happily.

Seeing Xiao Ai'ai on the top of the grey lion's head, Master Heling suddenly felt bad, turned and ran, but at this moment, Xiao Ai'ai's crisp voice came over.


Master Heling's body stopped abruptly, his face was full of horror, what's the matter, why the little girl can also order him.

"turn back!"

"Go together!"

"Turn around in circles!"



Every time Xiao Aiai said an action, Master Heling would do it. For a while, Xiao Ai liked to have fun. Later, the other female disciples also surrounded Xiao Aiai and let Master Heling do it. Doing that, suddenly laughter filled the village of Killing God.

Master Heling has the desire to die. How arrogant he was when he came, how humiliated he is now, he would never have thought that he has enslaved the spirit beast for most of his life, and will eventually be enslaved by the spirit beast.

In the hall of Guiyuezong, the deputy sect master and other elders were accompanying He Qiao and the others. At this time, they gloomily stared at Qin Yan who was reporting the situation. The hall was full of cold and murderous intent.

"You said He Ling was taken away by the grey lion in Lion Valley?" He Qiao asked coldly.

"Well, facing that grey lion, Master Heling has no resistance at all." Qin Yan said. He didn't know the specific situation. He only saw Master Heling being stepped on by the grey lion.

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