Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3896: Master Heling!

"Guiyuezong's resignation to the He family is something that was expected, isn't it?" Xiao Chen was not too surprised. With Guiyuezong's attitude towards Heqiao, it is not difficult to see that Guiyuezong wanted to join the He family. In order to get out of this remote mountain village, and even go to Haotian City for development.

Bawanghua was silent for a moment, and continued: "Recently, I discovered that outside the Lion Valley, some figures appeared from time to time, with strange faces and disciples of Guiyue Sect. I don't know what they want to do."

"Guiyue Sect spent a lot of resources and brought us from the transfer station to Primitive Realm, but now we have all left Guiyue Sect. Do you think that Guiyue Sect will really be willing to let us leave like this?" Xiao Chen asked back.

"No!" Overlord Flower shook her head.

"So Returning to Yuezong will only give us two choices, one is to return to Yuezong, and the other is to die, but no matter which choice it is, it is not a good choice!" Xiao Chen said lightly.

Overlord Flower is a bit silent. Even if they can return to Yuezong, they will defect to Yuezong before, Guiyuezong will not worry about them. At that time, they will not only be blinded and despised, but they may also have some control. Means are used on them.

"Then what should we do? Guiyuezong has taken refuge in the He family. If a strong He family takes action, how should we resist?"

"The soldiers are here to block the water and the earth, I am not going to be bullied by others." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"I hope so." Overlord Hua murmured, and then turned and left. She also obtained resources. Only by improving her strength as soon as possible can she protect her juniors.

At this time, not far from Lion Valley, a group of people appeared. Among them was a black robe with a shrewd old man. He walked among the crowd with stars holding the moon, and looked proud of being sought after by others.

"Is Lion Valley coming soon?" the old man asked lightly.

"Master Heling, the Lion Valley is in front of you!" Qin Yan followed the old man. Hearing Master Heling's words, he hurried forward and said respectfully.

The old man in front of him, named Master Heling, was the Keqing of the He family, and this old man was a famous beast master, and the He family sent him for the grey lion.

Master Heling nodded lightly.

"This time it's all up to Master Heling." Qin Yan said.

"Small." Master Heling said arrogantly, isn't it just a small grey lion, he did not get his hands on the move with Master Heling.

The group soon came to Shizigu Taniguchi. They had no intention of hiding their breath or whereabouts. So soon the disciples of Killing God Village found their tracks and reported them.

When Xiao Chen got the news, he was playing with Xiao Aiai. Hearing that, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with curiosity: "Have you swaggered to Lion Valley? It seems that they are the way to find each other's grey lions. We will meet They, see what they want to do."

Xiao Chen held Xiao Ai'ai, sat on the grey lion, and came to Taniguchi.

"Private territory, it's forbidden to trespass!" Xiao Chen quickly saw Master Heling and the others, and said indifferently.

"Master Heling, that's the grey lion!" Qin Yan hurriedly said. As for Xiao Chen, he didn't pay attention to it. The only thing that really made Gui Yuezong troublesome was the grey lion.

"Oh?" Master Heling looked at the greyhound, and at the same time saw Xiao Chen, his eyes suddenly showed surprise. Xiao Chen and the greyhound did not sign a contract, that is to say, the greyhound is ownerless, but the greyhound He was surprised to be able to get along with Xiao Chen in peace.

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