Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3894: Rebuild Killing God Village!

"Master, rest assured, no matter who I am, I have no malice towards Master, other masters and sisters, and Guiyuezong." Xiao Chen smiled.

"I hope so." The Fifth Elder looked at Xiao Chen seriously.

Xiao Chen smiled.

Xiao Chen returned to Lion Valley with the Fifth Elders and others. Xiao Chen did not expose the existence of Poxie Sect. Instead, he found a wide area in other places in Lion Valley and began to build a stockade!

A few days later, a group of people came to the Lion Valley, and the people who came were the four strong guards and the twelve killers, headed by the four killers and the twelve killers, there was an unexpected person who was the northern killer.

Xiao Chen didn't refuse all those who came, and took them all into Killing God Village to build their new home with Xuan Yuefeng disciples.

A few days later, a few people came to Lion Valley, it was the old man and brother Bai Hao.

"Old man Bai, why are you here too?" Xiao Chen asked with a smile.

"Why, not welcome?" The old man said.

"Of course welcome, just a little surprised." Xiao Chen said.

"I think staying with you is safer than staying in Guiyuezong. After all, you have a monkey." The old man said.

"Do you know that Xiao Bai is the favorite of Sect Master Dancer?" Xiao Chen asked.

"I have seen it." The old man did not hide it either.

"So you approached me and took care of me because of Xiao Bai?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Yes." The old man said.

"You are honest." Xiao Chen smiled.

Old man Bai also laughed, and then formally joined Killing God Village.

The Killing God Village is being constructed methodically, Qianmei Yilian, Zhu Dachang and others are practicing with all their strength, but after Guiyuezong learned that another Guiyuezong disciple had defected, he wanted to directly kill Lion Valley.

The Deputy Sect Master was even more annoyed to vomit blood. After all, the disciples who defected were all collected from the transfer station, and they were all disciples with good talents. Now it can be said that all the previous investment has been lost.

Thinking of this, her resentment towards the Fifth Elder and others grew deeper.

Lion Valley, outside of Killing God Village.

The Fifth Elder looked at the storage bag in his hand, and solemnly said to Xiao Chen: "Thank you for killing God."

The storage bag contained cultivation resources, not only rough stones, but also rare medicinal pills. Gui Yuezong had never seen these resources. She dared to guarantee that these resources would also cause a great sensation if placed in Haotian City.

She didn't ask Xiao Chen where these things came from, but she accepted Xiao Chen's affection and solemnly thanked Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen smiled, and another thing appeared in his hand, which was the Sect Master's order of Gui Yuezong.

"Is this the suzerain?" The Fifth Elder asked in shock.

"Master, Sect Master ordered me to give it to you, and Guiyue Sect will also give it to you. In addition, if there is something that can't be solved, you can find it." Xiao Chen said, summoning Xiao Bai.

The Fifth Elder took the order from the Sovereign Lord, and then raised his head to look at Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai slowly grew bigger, and a pitch black monkey appeared in front of the Fifth Elder.

"This is Master's spiritual pet, Xiao Bai?" The Fifth Elder also recognized Xiao Bai, and his expression was immediately full of excitement. After a while, he suddenly looked at Xiao Chen, "Have you seen Sect Master Wu Ji?"

"I have seen it." Xiao Chen nodded: "My return to the moon body, the return to the moon sword, and the Haoyue glazed physique were all passed on to me by Sect Master Wu Ji. She also accepted me as a direct disciple and gave me the order of the Sect Master , Let me revitalize and return to Yuezong!"

"You turned out to be a direct disciple of Sect Master Wu Ji. Then you can't call me Master, you should call me Senior Sister."

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