Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3891: Quit Returning to Yuezong!

"Qianmei Yilian, how did you talk to the teacher?" Deputy Sect Master scolded coldly.

"Sorry, you are no longer my master, I am no longer your disciple, and even I am not a disciple of Guiyue Sect. My Qianmei Yilian has officially withdrawn from Guiyue Sect!"

Qianmei Yilian walked to Xiao Chen's side and withdrew from Guiyuezong, she didn't feel any pressure at all.

"My Zhu Dachang has officially withdrew from Gui Yuezong!"

"My Luoshang officially withdrew from the Returning Moon Sect!"

"I Luojun officially withdrew from Gui Yuezong!"

"My second sister Lan officially withdrew from Gui Yuezong!"

Luo Jun and others stood firmly behind Xiao Chen and Qianmei Yilian, and as Qianmei Yilian and Luo Chang and others announced their withdrawal from Guiyue Sect, the deputy suzerain was all stunned.

Although Guiyue Sect is weak, there are thousands of disciples. Withdrawing from one disciple or dying several disciples is of little importance to Guiyue Sect, but the few people in front of them are all newly promoted peerless geniuses, especially Qianmei Yilian , Is even more cultivated as the future Sect Master. If they all leave the Guiyue Sect, the loss to the Guiyue Sect will be great.

It was said that they were all brought back from the transit station by Guiyuezong who spent a lot of resources. It was the future of Guiyuezong. How could Guiyuezong let them leave easily.

"I allow you to say it again." Deputy Sect Master said gloomily.

"Old witch, don't worry about it. We have already decided to withdraw from Guiyue Sect. With you, the old witch as the deputy sovereign, Guiyue Sect will be finished sooner or later." Zhu Dachang sneered.

"Guiyue Sect has spent a lot of resources looking for you. Is it possible that you want to leave Guiyue Sect?" Deputy Sect Master said in a deep voice, "Of course, if you really want to leave Guiyue Sect, it's not impossible, just leave. It can only be a corpse."

"Deputy Sect Master, am I going to leave, it can only be a corpse?" The fifth elder suddenly said.

"Why, do you want to quit Guiyue Sect too?" The deputy sect master's expression is even more ugly, and each and every one wants to quit Guiyue Sect in front of distinguished guests. What kind of majesty does she, the helm of Guiyue Sect, still have?

"Yes." The fifth elder nodded very seriously. If Ling Fang's affairs just made her a little angry, let the Bawanghua and Qianmei Yilian accompany her, making her feel a deep disappointment and despair.

Hearing that, the vice sect master and other elders are not good-looking. There are five elders in Guiyue Sect. If one leaves one, it will be a great loss to Guiyue Sect.

"The disciple is willing to leave Guiyuezong with Master!" Overlord Hua said in a deep voice. She had never seen such a serious Fifth Elder. Obviously the Fifth Elder had made up his mind. As a major disciple, she naturally had no hesitation at this time. On the side of the five elders.

"The disciples are also willing to leave Guiyue Sect with Master!" Ling Fang and other Xuan Yuefeng disciples, seeing that the fifth elder did not return for a long time, they also rushed to the main peak. At this time, they heard that the fifth elder was about to withdraw from the Guiyue Sect, they also had no hesitation to follow. Behind the five elders.

The Fifth Elder looked at the firm faces, saying in her heart that it was false if she was not moved, and she was also relieved. From the bottom of her heart, she swears that she must protect these lovely disciples, even if she fights her own lives.

"Okay, then we will leave together." The Fifth Elder is proud, as long as these lovely disciples are there, she will be fearless!

"Fifth elders, don’t forget, those who belong to me and return to the Moon Sect, are born to the Moon Sect, and die are the soul of the Moon Sect. You are not afraid of death, are they not afraid of it?" I can't go on anymore, now it's not a matter of one or two disciples leaving, but a major matter of Guiyue Sect's disintegration.

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