Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3888: Ling Fang has an accident!

"What kind of fortune did you make?" Zhu Dachang asked excitedly.

"Let's go back to the sect first, and go back and talk."

"it is good."

Everyone nodded.

When they returned to Xuan Yuefeng, they found that the atmosphere of Xuan Yuefeng was very serious, and all the disciples of Xuan Yuefeng had very low expressions.

"Master Sister, Senior Sister Luo Chang!"

After seeing Overlord Flower and Luoshang, Xuan Yuefeng disciples hurriedly gathered.

"What's wrong with you? Who is bullying you!" Seeing Xuan Yuefeng's disciples one by one depressed, Ba Wang Hua instantly became angry.

"Grand Sister, Second Sister is injured, you should go and have a look." A female disciple said.

"What, the Second Junior Sister was injured?" Bawanghua's expression became tense and hurried to the place where Ling Fang lived. Xiao Chen and the others looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

When they arrived at the place where Ling Fang lived, they saw Ling Fang whose cheek was bluish at a glance. That face was obviously beaten, and it was pitiful.

When Ling Fang saw the Overlord Flower, she immediately threw herself into the Overlord Flower's arms. The crying Pear Flower brought rain and made people feel pity.

The Overlord took some comfort, and Ling Fang calmed down his emotions, but in Ling Fang's intermittent recounting, everyone understood what had happened.

"Da Changfeng is so shameless, I dared to drag you to accompany the guests." The overlord was furious and wanted to kill.

Dachangfeng is the mountain where Zhu Dachang is located. The leader of the peak is the second elder. The disciple of the second elder brought back a guest. It is said that the guest came from Haotian City.

If Haotian City is compared to a city-level city, then the location of Guiyuezong can only be regarded as a remote mountain village in the small county. The powerhouse from Haotian City is an unattainable existence for Guiyuezong.

So this guest from Haotian City was received by Guiyuezong’s highest level of reception. During the dinner, this guest expressed his desire to be accompanied by a beautiful woman, so the second elder thought of Xuanyuefeng, but Qianmei Yilian and Bawanghua They were not there, but Ling Fang could only be found in the end.

Naturally, Ling Fang refused to follow him, and even confronted the second elder, only to be beaten by the second elder's personal disciple.

After the Fifth Elder knew about it, he directly killed the Guiyuezong Hall. It was not clear what the situation was now.

After listening to Ling Fang's account, everyone's expressions were extremely gloomy and angry, and Bawanghua couldn't help it at first and ran towards the hall.

"Let’s take a look too. I want to see how far Guiyue Sect has fallen." Xiao Chen's face was gloomy. In any case, Guiyue Sect’s Sect Master’s order is still on him, and he is still Guiyue Sect’s Sect Master. , Although he doesn't have any sense of belonging to Guiyuezong, he still has to do the things that promised Sect Master Wu Ji.

Everyone nodded and walked towards the main peak.

When they came to the main hall of the main peak, they found that the fifth elder was standing there faintly, with blood still hanging on the corner of his mouth, glaring at the second elder opposite her.

"Fifth elder, don't know what is good or bad, it is her honor for your disciple to accompany Nephew He Qiaoxian!" The second elder said solemnly.

"Fuck your mother's egg, you have to lick other people's ass, you lick it yourself, don't pull my disciple."

When Xiao Chen and the others came to the neighborhood, the first words they heard were the very sturdy words of the Fifth Elders. Suddenly everyone was thundered. They would not have thought that the Fifth Elders, who had always been gentle and generous, would Say something like this.

"Fifth elder, speak more civilly, you are a woman!" The second elder said angrily.

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