Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3884: Doll start stone!

"Then you bang a try!"

The greyhound sneered, and the lion's eyes were still mocking.

Xiao Chen rose in the air, and nine swords appeared in his hand, and it was a stab at the pile of rocks. However, when he went down, the pile of rocks did not explode, but only a knife mark appeared.

Xiao Chen frowned, and he carefully inspected it. The rock pile in front of him was just ordinary stone burrs, how could it not be blown away, and then Xiao Chen cut a few times without believing in evil, but it still had no effect.

"You don't need to waste your energy, it's useless, except for the crescent moon in your hand. No, it should be called Poxie, except Poxie, nothing can blast it away!" Xiaobai said lightly.

"Breaking evil? Is it?" Xiao Chen pondered for a moment before taking out the crescent moon.

Xiao Bai and the grey lion nodded at the same time, and at the same time, Xiao Chen also found that the two spirit beasts looked at the evil spirits with a hint of respect in their eyes.

Xiao Chen pondered for a moment, holding the evil spirits in his hand, and pressing Xiao Bai to make a circle, and cut it up. He chopped dozens of stones with only the marks of the knife. Under the evil spirits, he was easily cut open.

Xiao Chen held Xie Xie in his hand, and a block of stones was cut open by him. Xiao Chen suddenly turned into a digger. Several hours later, Xiao Chen had dug down for thousands of meters, and then a stone cave appeared in front of Xiao Chen.

The grey lion and Xiao Bai all shrank their figures, landed on Xiao Chen's shoulders, and jumped down together.

"Go in!"

Xiao Chen nodded and walked towards the stone cave. After walking for about several tens of minutes, a bright and wide hall appeared in front of Xiao Chen.

"Statue?" Xiao Chen was startled. In the hall, there were threes and threes of human-shaped statues, chatting, or sitting cross-legged, or drinking tea, or sitting and doing things. There were a total of a dozen or so in total. A humanoid statue.

"No, this is not a statue, these are starting stones."

At the next moment, Xiao Chen's eyes showed horror. These were not statues at all, but starting stones. From the appearance of these starting stones, it could be seen that there were people inside.

"You come with me." Xiaobai said, and then he jumped down and came to a wall. With a stroke of his paw, he said to Xiao Chen: "Cut it apart!"

Xiao Chen slashed along the claw marks, and then discovered that this was not a wall at all, but a passage.

Xiao Bai and the Grey Lion seemed to be very familiar with this place. Xiao Chen followed their instructions, and the passages were cut open by him. Two days later, Xiao Chen returned to the hall.

At this time, his heart was shocked. It turned out to be a huge palace with hundreds of humanoid starting stones. In addition, there are various resources. It can be seen that this place was once an ancient place. The sect, the strong inside the sect did not resist, and was sealed in the head stone.

"You two belong to this sect?" Xiao Chen asked when looking at the grey lion and Xiao Bai.

"Accurately speaking, we are not the Breaching Evil Sect. Our ancestors are the Breaching Evil Sects. Our Spirit Monkey and Greyhound clan are the guardian spirit beasts of the Breaching Evil Sect. Our task from generation to generation is to break the Evil Sect. Seal, so that the strong of Poxiezong will see the sky again."

Xiaobai slowly said that the reason why they are familiar with this place is the memory that has been passed down from generation to generation. Many memories, many tribesmen, and many stunts have all disappeared in a long time. They are the monkeys and the grey lions. There are only two of them left.

"Poxie Sect?" Xiao Chen muttered, is Poxie Sect the name of this sect.

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