Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3879: Overlord flower blocking the way!

"They dare to go to Lion Valley, it depends on my answer or not." Overlord Huadao.

"Sister, do you think we should tell Master?" Ling Fang said.

"No, this little matter, I will solve it alone." Overlord Flower said, and at the same time clenched his fists. If they dare not listen to her, this big sister, then she will let them know that she, this Overlord Flower, is not white. Called.

Soon, it was the day that Xiao Chen and the others had agreed upon. Xiao Chen came out of Luoshang, Qianmei Yilian, Luojun, Second Sister Lan, and Zhu Dachang also came to the courtyard of Luoshang.

"Since everyone has arrived, let's set off." Xiao Chen glanced at everyone and said.

"Where do you want to go, will you take us?" At this moment, the voice of the Overlord Flower rang, and then the Overlord Flower and Ling Fang fell.

"Master sister!"

"Master sister!"

Xiao Chen and Luo Chang saluted at the same time.

"Master sister, we just want to go to Guiyue Mountain Range to experience it." Xiao Chen said.

"You think I will believe your words and say, are you planning to go to Lion Valley?" Overlord Hua said coldly.

"Who are you, what does it matter to you if we go to Lion Valley?" Zhu Dachang cried.

"If you don't dispel the idea of ​​going to Lion Valley, then don't blame me for being impolite. In order to prevent you from dying in Lion Valley, it would be better for me to break your legs." The Overlord Flower stood in front of everyone with a cold expression. The breath is amazing.

"It's a big breath, I want to see how you interrupted my legs." Before Xiao Chen could speak, Zhu Dachang couldn't help but jump out.

"Huh!" Bawang Hua coldly snorted, without seeing any movement, she had already arrived in front of Zhu Dachang and punched Zhu Dachang on his belly. Zhu Dachang snorted, stepped back, and then looked up at Bawang. Hua, his face was full of sneers.

"With this little strength, you also want to stop us, you are too overwhelmed."

Zhu Dachang's nine profound scale armors were not opened, and he didn't hurt or itchy at all.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, the Overlord Flower was Master Xuan Yuefeng, so her strength shouldn't be so small.

"Junior Brother, Junior Sister, Senior Sister, she is a person of special ability, you still advise your friend not to irritate Senior Sister, otherwise he will regret it." Ling Fang suddenly said to Xiao Chen and Luo Chang.

"What, Sister Sister is also a person with special ability, what kind of ability is she?" Xiao Chen asked in surprise and hurriedly.

"The abilities of the master sister are quite strange. Her fist hits the opponent, which can crumple the opponent's skin and even the muscles together. Once a disciple angered her, and was beaten by her, that disciple finally got a full face. Wrinkles are like an old man. Although they have no effect on that disciple's cultivation and strength, it is difficult to accept the sudden change from a young man to an old man."

Ling Fong Road, in fact, the whole mysterious month peak, no disciple shall stir King spent, in addition to the identity and strength of the King spent most importantly, their special abilities, beauty is beauty, if they were beaten meal, and then became With an old woman, they will probably collapse directly.

"Wrinkle the skin and muscles tightly together, what special ability is this?" Xiao Chen and the others showed their doubts.

But Zhu Dachang's ridicule just now made Bawanghua's face gloomy, and he punched Zhu Dachang with a punch. In just a few breaths, Bawanghua had already punched hundreds of punches.

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