Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3874: Too poor!

"What are you doing?" Xiao Chen took two steps back.

"Give me to die." A not weak sword light had already slashed towards Xiao Chen, so scared that he stepped on his feet to return to the moon body method, and quickly fled from here, while the female disciple behind him was like a wolf and a tiger, and suddenly the whole Xuan Yue Peak chicken dogs do not stay.

When a disciple of Xuan Yuefeng discovered that Xuan Yuefeng had suddenly added a male disciple, he was being chased by the teachers and sisters. He immediately regarded Xiao Chen as a malicious person and immediately joined the hunt. Therefore, Xiao Chen became the first one to be caught. All the female disciples chased by Xuan Yuefeng.

In the end, things calmed down until the fifth elders personally came forward. It was just that Xiao Chen was pitiful. Although Guiyue's body method was wonderful, there were many disciples of Xuanyuefeng, and there were many powerful female disciples. Finally, they were beaten and kicked by a group of female disciples. It's not miserable.

"Hahaha, let you bully my disciple, now you are suffering." The fifth elder gloated at Xiao Chen with a swollen nose and couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Chen gave the Fifth Elder a glance. What is the best place for Gui Yuezong here? It is clearly the most terrifying place.

"Next, you must keep in your heart every word I say." The fifth elder suddenly said very seriously: "Although I don't know where you learned the Return to the Moon Body and the Return to the Moon Sword. , And even Haoyue Liuli divine body, but these are Guiyue Sect’s skills that are not imparted. Don’t say you are a disciple of the outer sect. Only disciples of the inner sect who have undergone many investigations are eligible to contact. Once others practice, they will be killed."

"Guiyue Body Technique, Guiyue Sword Technique, Haoyue Glazed Glaze Divine Body, aren't they such sophisticated skills? Are they so conservative?" Xiao Chen curled his lips.

The fifth elder was startled, to tell the truth, Guiyue Body Art, Guiyue Sword Art, Haoyue Glazed Glaze Divine Body, it is really not a high-level thing. If it is placed in other forces, it may be the existence of bad streets, but there is no way, Guiyue Zongtai Poor.

"It's just that you take these things too seriously, that will cause the Guiyuezong generation to be inferior to the generation." Xiao Chen sarcastically.

"We naturally understand what you are talking about, but Guiyue Sect's resources are too scarce. Even if we make these stunts public, few people can practice successfully." The fifth elder shook his head.

"What about the lack of resources? You only need to mark the price clearly. As for the resources for cultivating these stunts, let them prepare by themselves. This will not only arouse the enthusiasm of the entire Guiyue Sect disciples, but also contribute to the Guiyue Sect. Save a lot of resources, and even make a fortune in reverse, so why not do it."

Hearing this, the five elders fell into silence, "Remember, from today, you are my personal disciple. Your Swordsmanship of Returning to the Moon, Method of Returning to the Moon, and the Godly Body of Moonlight are all taught by me, do you understand? ?"

"Yes, Master, my disciple remembered." Xiao Chen said, that's fine, since there is a cheap master who wants to carry the pot, he can save a lot of trouble.

The fifth elder nodded, and left in a hurry, probably discussing with other elders about opening up their skills.

I don’t know what the five elders said, the Guiyue Sword Art, the Guiyue Body Art, and the Haoyue Glazed Physique are all made public. As long as they are Guiyue Sect disciples, they can be exchanged at the Zongmen regardless of the true biography, inner sect, or outer sect. It's just that it's forbidden to spread out and give or receive privately. Once discovered, it will be punished heavily.

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