Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3864: The beginning stone of heaven!

The disciple's face was also pale. He had been unable to chase after Xiao Chen, and he was already very aggrieved. Now he was scolded as a dog. One can imagine the anger in his heart, and all the breath in his body burst out, and he pursued Xiao Chen with all his strength. .

But no matter how he accelerated, he just couldn't catch Xiao Chen, and he couldn't catch Xiao Chen until he exhausted his energy.

At this time, Zhu Dachang's robust youth had already stopped fighting, and they just looked at the two chasing them. The eyes of the two brothers Bai Hao were full of surprise, while the robust youth and others looked very ugly.

It was too embarrassing. An inner disciple who caught an outer disciple with only the first fate level made himself paralyzed. It would not make people laugh when he said it.

"Come here!" Xiao Chen yelled while sitting on the ground, looking at his limp disciple.

"You have a kind of don't move." The disciple's face flushed, both tired and ashamed.

"You have something to come here." Xiao Chen said.

"You!" The disciple looked angry.

"It seems that you are not planting anymore." Xiao Chen said as he stood up from the ground, patted the soil on his body, his face was very relaxed, walked to Zhu Dachang and looked at the strong young man.

"You guys, you can't take the moon berries. If you leave now, how about we are all in peace?"

The robust young man glanced at Zhu Dachang and Xiao Chen, his brows furrowed. Although the cultivation level of the two in front of him was not high, they had amazing defense and amazing speed. They really had no choice.

"Let's go!" The sturdy young man said gloomily, his voice fell, and he turned to leave, but his feet were put down as soon as they were raised, and he looked up into the distance.

After discovering the strangeness of the strong youth, everyone also looked up, and then they found a fireball fell, directly not far from them.

"what is that?"

"Let's go and see." The strong young man said, and walked to the place where the fireball fell.

"Boss?" Zhu Dachang looked at Xiao Chen.

"Let's take a look too." Xiao Chen said. Everyone soon came to the place where they had fallen. In front of them, there was a big pit, and inside the big pit, there was a huge rock about three meters high.

"It's so rich and original. Is this a large rough stone?" The sturdy young man asked curiously, his eyes flashed with a thick color of greed. Such a large rough stone is enough for him to cultivate for decades.

"No experience."

I don't know when, the old man has already returned, looking at the strong young man, said coldly.

"What are you talking about?" The strong young man's face sank.

"I said you have no knowledge." Old white man said.

"Since you have knowledge, then you have to talk, what is this?" The strong young man sneered.

"This is not a rough stone at all, but a beginning stone." The old man said lightly, but his face was very serious and his eyes were full of solemnity.

"Shishi, what is that?" Everyone looked at Old Man Bai with some curiosity, apparently the first time they heard of Shishi.

"Unexpectedly, an outer disciple of yours would know Shishi." At this moment, a surprised voice came over. I don't know when, behind them, there was a serious and tender woman.

"Five Elders!"

Seeing the woman, Zhu Dachang's vigorous young man and the others were shocked and hurriedly saluted. The woman in front of him was no one else but one of the five elders of Guiyuezong, and Guiyue Mountain Range was guarded by him.

"Get up." The Fifth Elder nodded and looked at the huge boulder with a serious expression: "The first stone descended from the sky, for my Gui Yuezong, I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse."

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