Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3849: Reach the primitive world!

"You are waiting here, I will report to the elder." Guifu gave an order, took the two disciples, and left, leaving only a group of disciples who looked around curiously.

"The Primitive Realm, by absorbing the Primitive Qi, tempering the life pattern, and condensing the original power." In his mind, Gan Lao introduced the situation in the Primitive Realm lightly. The so-called life pattern is the evolutionary product of the solar nucleus absorbing the primitive Qi. The role of the Japanese nucleus is interlinked, the life is immortal, and the life is endless, and the life is stronger than the Japanese nucleus, at least three realms can be destroyed, so it is difficult for the strong in the primitive world to truly die.

After the solar nucleus evolves into a fate, it is called the Beginning Mating Realm. Through continuous cultivation, it breaks through to the Standing Realm, the Unconfused Realm, the Knowing Destiny Realm, and the Destiny Realm. Each realm is divided into nine levels.

Xiao Chen just looked around for a while, then withdrew his gaze, then slightly closed his eyes, and ran the Nine Turns Divine Desolation Judgment, and the weak primordial energy around him slowly poured into his body.

"Primitive Qi, it seems a little difficult to absorb." Xiao Chen muttered, not only difficult to absorb, but also very difficult to refine.

"Of course, it is precisely because it is difficult to absorb and refine, and the tempered life style is stronger." Gan Lao said lightly: "However, your kid is really blessed, you can practice anytime, anytime, in any state. ."

"In the unknown world, only with strong strength, when facing danger, can you calmly face it." Xiao Chen said lightly, slowly absorbing the primitive energy.

"Then you can practice hard." Gan Lao said with a smile.

After more than half an hour, Guifu returned again, looked at everyone, and said lightly: "Next, I will lead you to the lead washing pool, the lead washing pool, as the name suggests, wash away the lead blooms and welcome a new realm. You can wash The lead pool has been practicing for ten days, and then through your growth, you will be assigned to disciples. Those who rank in the top ten can directly become inner disciples.

Guifu led everyone to the lead-washing pool, and other teams also went to the lead-washing pool. On the way, Guifu briefly introduced the training level of the primitive world, breaking through the beginning of life and some precautions for the lead-washing pool.

Unconsciously, everyone came to a huge mountain spring. Inside the spring, a small space of three square meters cut out countless small spaces.

"Find a small space for your own practice. Remember, you only have ten days. Within ten days, you have to work hard to cultivate and improve your cultivation. Remember that the treatment of inner disciples and outer disciples is not on the same level. , If you can become an inner disciple, you can leave others far behind."

Gui Fu exhorted, and then waved, everyone had fallen into each small space.

Northern Killing Emperor glanced at Xiao Chen, his eyes flashed firm, and then he rushed towards a small space.

Xiao Chen looked at Qianmei Yilian and the others and nodded, and everyone moved towards the small space.

Xiao Chen looked at the small space, then his eyes fell on the spring in the small space, slightly surprised.

"This is just an ordinary medicated bath. The pharmacist combines the rough stone with some spiritual herbs to make a medicated bath, which can greatly enhance the speed at which the disciple can absorb the original energy. Most forces in the original world will use this The medicated bath has cultivated some low-level disciples of the First Destiny Realm and enhanced their cultivation speed. The effect is not bad.

Gan Lao explained lightly.

"Medicated bath?"

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