Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3834: Primitive world!

In other words, the memories in her eyes are somewhat familiar, and that familiar breath comes from the center of the universe, or the Primitive World.

The central continent in the depths of the universe is called the outside world, and the powerhouses in the central continent in the depths of the universe all call themselves Primitive World.

"Could this beam of light lead directly to the primitive world?" Qianmei Yilian frowned slightly.

"Aisle?" Xiao Chen and the Eastern God Emperor were a little puzzled. At this moment, three people in white robes slowly fell into the aisle. The leader was a cold-faced woman, followed by two arrogant faces. youth.

"Is there another strong man?" Everyone looked at the three people in the beam of light, and this thought arose in their hearts.

Only Qianmei Yilian knew that these three people did not come from other transfer stations, but from the primitive world, because she was familiar with the primitive aura on them.

"Be careful, these three are very strong." The Eastern God Emperor said solemnly. Although he didn't know that these three were from the Primitive Realm, he could feel that these three were very strong.

The Eastern God Emperor felt it, and Xiao Chen naturally felt it too, not only for them, but also for the powerhouses across the continent.

"We are from the Primordial Realm, which is the central continent in the depths of the universe as you know it." The woman slowly said, her cold voice spread across the entire continent in an instant, but her short sentence caused an uproar in the entire continent.

They appeared at the transfer station. The ultimate goal of their cultivation was to go to the Primitive Realm. At this moment, they suddenly heard that the other party was from the Primitive Realm. How could they not be shocked or excited.

"You can only go to the Primordial Realm through the Riyao Road Ladder, and the Riyao Road Ladder is different from the other two ladders. Due to the sun, the temperature is extremely high. If you are not careful, you will be evaporated by the high temperature. It is extremely dangerous."

The cold voice of the woman resounded across the continent again.

And hearing the woman's voice, all the strong people on the mainland were silent. The woman was right. The Riyao Road ladder was extremely dangerous.

The Riyao Road Ladder leads directly to the Primitive World, and they can only reach the Primitive World through the Riyao Road Ladder. However, the Riyao Road Ladder not only has various tests, but more importantly, the second half of the ladder, Rihui The temperature is very high, and it can even melt the power of the pinnacle of the Sun Glory. In the past, hundreds of people rushed to the ladder, and at most only one could pass. All the others were melted by the Sun Glory.

"Our master of space, using great magical powers, built a passage from here to the primitive world, specially extradited you to the primitive world." The woman's voice sounded again.

And her words, undoubtedly like a bomb, exploded in the crowd, the passage to the primitive world? Hearing this news, many strong people became extremely excited, but some strong ones remained calm.

The world is booming, all for profit; the world's hustle and bustle, all for profit, they build channels and extradite them, there is no such good thing in the world.

Sure enough, without waiting for them to ask questions, the woman had already spoken again: "Of course, in order to build the passage, my sect consumes a lot of resources, so after you reach the primitive world, you can only join my sect. If you disagree, my sect will be destroyed. you guys."

When the voice fell, the woman waved her hand and a small tower appeared, then rose up against the wind and turned into a tall tower, sitting on the ground.

"This is the trial tower of our sect. It is refined by the master refiner of our sect. It can test your strength and talent. As long as you can pass the trial tower, I can take you to the primitive world, but you have to remember Live, we can only take a maximum of nine, ninety and eighty-one people at a time, so you have to hurry up."

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