Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3832: Unfathomable!

"Good vision, knowing that the whole Killing God Village is not as good as me. For your good vision, I will abuse you lightly." Qianmei Yilian said lightly.

"Divine Emperor, you can do it yourself." Xiao Chen patted the Oriental Divine Emperor on the shoulder, and said gloating.

Other people in Killing God Village looked at the Eastern God Emperor, and they were full of gloat. If killing God is abnormal, then Qianmei Yilian is the most mysterious existence to them.

Feeling the eyes of everyone, the Eastern God Emperor was a little puzzled, and what did the words to kill the **** mean?

"Don't stand stupid, let's start." Qianmei Yilian came to the middle of the compound of Killing God Village and said lightly.

"Okay." The Eastern God Emperor didn't have time to think about it, so he walked to the opposite side of Qianmei Yilian, and killed the members of Shenzhai, he was ready to watch the show.

"Girl, how do you call it?" The Eastern God Emperor arched his hand and asked.

"Qianmei Yilian." Qianmei Yilian said.

"The girl Yilian, you have to be careful." The Eastern God said, the voice fell, the breath burst out, and the light bloomed.

"You are really long-winded." Qianmei Yilian became a little impatient, and the Thunder Whip appeared in her hand and shot directly. Before the Eastern God Emperor could react, the Thunder Whip had fallen on him.

The face of the Eastern God Emperor changed drastically. The divine light on his body was broken by Qianmei Yilian’s whips, and then Qianmei Yilian’s thunder whip fell on his body, and suddenly the thunder raged and his whole body trembled. .

After a while, the Eastern God Emperor slumped to the ground. He was now covered in flesh and flesh, looking at Qianmei Yilian, there was no surprise, but he looked like a devil.

Xiao Chen and the others are not surprised, they have already known the fate of the Oriental God Emperor, but the White Tiger God Guard, the Xuanwu God Guard and the Octopus stared at this time, and their eyes were full of incredible colors. The Oriental God Emperor was defeated. , And still being abused?

"There are such strong people here. I didn't expect that I saw two women, but they were both so unfathomable." The Eastern God Emperor looked at Qianmei Yilian with a somewhat complicated gaze. He also liked Zhong Fang Yu. The woman next to the emperor, but that woman felt dangerous to him, very unfathomable.

At this moment, the feeling Qianmei Yilian gave him was very similar to the feeling that the woman gave him. If these two women took action, I am afraid that there would be nothing like their five emperors.

"I wish to accept the bet. Since you are defeated, from today onwards, without the power of the Eastern God Emperor, there is only Killing God Village. As for you, stay in Killing God Village and be a deputy master." Qianmei Yilian is indifferent. Tao.

"I..." The Eastern God Emperor's face was a little unwilling. He was the Eastern God Emperor, but now he suddenly became the second in command. The gap between them was not acceptable to ordinary people.

"I am willing to bet and lose. If you go back, I don't mind turning the Five Emperors into the Four Emperors." Qianmei Yilian's voice became cold, and a cold light flashed in her eyes.

The Eastern God Emperor looked terrified. Knowing that Qianmei Yilian had moved to kill, he said in a deep voice, "I am willing to bet. I, on behalf of the Eastern God Emperor, join the Killing God Village."

"Vice Lord Dongfang, please give me more advice in the future." Xiao Chen came to the Eastern God Emperor and pulled him up.

"I have seen the village master." The Eastern God Emperor smiled reluctantly.

"Join Killing God Village, you won't regret it." Xiao Chen comforted.

The Eastern God Emperor smiled reluctantly and did not speak, while the two guards of Baihu Xuanwu were silent. They were the Eastern God Emperor forces occupying the East, so inexplicably they joined an unknown little stockade?

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