Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3826: Special training is coming!

"Blue Bull has seen the Azure Dragon God Guard, the Vermilion Bird God Guard!" Blue Bull said, because he was the first to come and was the only peak of the Solar Realm, so he naturally became the head of the Twelve Killing Attendants.

"The two came from afar and had a hard time. It's better to come down and rest first." Qingniu invited with a smile.

"Don't give the god-guard a hippie smile here, you immediately slaughter the back village, and go back with the god-guard to plead with the **** emperor." Qinglong god-guard said coldly.

"This is not possible. We are now serving the Twelve Killers. We are ordered to guard the Killing God Village and protect the safety of the Killing God Village. If you come as a guest or join the Killing God Village, we are very welcome. If you are looking for trouble, then Don't blame us for not reading our previous affection."

The Azure Bull said in a deep voice, as early as the Eastern God Emperor, the Azure Dragon God Guard was very arrogant, and he looked down on their guardians. He also couldn't understand the Azure Dragon God Guard. Now this is the Killing God Village, and he has also broken through. At the pinnacle of the Sun Glory Realm, he would not speak politely.

"You are so courageous, it seems that you have forgotten the horror of this god-guard, no matter what, today this god-guard will take action and kill you all, and let you experience the horror of this god-guard before you die. "The Azure Dragon Shenwei said coldly, the voice fell, and the peak of the Sun Glory Realm had fully exploded, and the terrifying killing intent spread throughout the entire Killing God Village.

However, just at this moment, a black shadow suddenly rushed out. The Azure Dragon God Guard did not react before it was thrown to the ground. The Azure Dragon God Guard looked intently, and it turned out to be a **** dog.

"Where's the **** dog." Qinglong Shenwei just wanted to do it. The **** dog's paws had already been patted. The Azure Dragon god-guard subconsciously hid, and the **** dog's paws hit the ground. The next moment, his face suddenly changed. Change, his body is cracked, and the claw of the **** dog is terrifying.

"Be careful, Qinglong, that **** dog is the pinnacle of the Solar Realm." The Suzaku Shenwei's pupils shrank and hurriedly shouted. At this time, Qinglong Shenwei also saw the cultivation of the **** dog, and his face suddenly changed.

The next moment, the **** dog had already rushed over, one person and one dog, and he fought like this.

"Is this also the person of the Eastern God Emperor?" Xiao Chen and Xiao Ai'ai asked when they appeared next to Qing Niu.

"I have seen the village master." Qing Niu saluted, and then introduced: "The man is the Azure Dragon Guard, one of the Four Great Guards of the Oriental God Emperor, and the woman is the Vermilion Guard."

"Even two **** guards came here at once. If they all stay here, I don't know how the Eastern God Emperor will feel distressed, and the killer should be expanded." Xiao Chen smiled lightly.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions were horrified, and they knew that Xiao Chen was planning to leave both the Azure Dragon God Guard and the Vermillion Bird Guard.

"By the way, in order to improve the quality of killing servants, the deputy village master will give you special training, you have to hold on." Xiao Chen said again.

"Special training?" After hearing this, everyone's faces showed curiosity, and Qing Niu asked: "The village master, what kind of special training is it?"

"A special training that will refresh you." Xiao Chen showed a mysterious smile.

Seeing Xiao Chen's smile, Qing Niu shuddered, with a bad feeling in his heart.

Looking at the **** dog entangled with the Azure Dragon God Guard, the Vermillion Bird God Guard's face sank. She naturally knew that the Lingcao Continent had the sun's peak star beast, but how could this class of star beasts be tamed? Is there a trainer here?

If there is a beast trainer who can tame the peak star beast of the Sun Glory Realm, it would be extremely terrifying. Thinking of this, the Vermillion Bird Guardian's face is extremely solemn.

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