Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3824: Big black dog!

Qingniu took the spider and butterfly and became a patrol member of the Killing God Village.

In just three days, even the very loyal Divine Emperor Butterfly has completely rebelled. There is no way, it is too shocking, not to mention Qianmei Yilian, Luojun, Luochang, Lan Ermei, etc., just one Enough for them to drink a pot.

And with the addition of abundant spiritual grass resources, they have no reason to leave.

At this time, at the gate of Killing God Village, the three were chatting.

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate the heroes of the world. There are so many peerless geniuses in this small God-Slaying Village. This lineup, even in the face of the emperor, is not in the slightest." The spider said with emotion, and the butterfly was silent. , I was deeply moved.

"Yes." Qing Niu said, in fact, the spider and the butterfly have not seen the four major guardian star beasts in Killing God Village, otherwise I don't know what they will be shocked.

While they were chatting, at the door of Killing God Village, any door opened, Xiao Chen and Xiao Aiai walked out, and in Xiao Aiai's hands, they were still holding a **** dog.

"The village master!" Qing Niu hurriedly got up and saluted. Spiders and Butterflies were not as eager as Qing Niu, but stood up slowly and bowed to Xiao Chen.

To put it bluntly, they had never seen Xiao Chen make a move. In their eyes, Xiao Chen was the little white face next to Qianmei Yilian, otherwise, with Xiao Chen's cultivation base in the pseudo-sunlight realm, how could he become the master of Killing God Village.

"The village owner, where did you find the **** dog? Is the village owner going to eat dog meat? I don't know if I can reward me." Green Bull said with a flattering smile. He knew that Xiao Aiai liked to eat all kinds of food. And it was delicious, he had been thinking about it since he was lucky enough to taste it last time.

It’s just that as soon as his voice fell, he felt a chill. The blue cow was startled, and before he could react, he found a black shadow, and then he was directly rushed, and what was on him was the **** Dog, but at this time the **** dog's eyes are full of scarlet killing intent.

Qing Niu was startled by the scarlet killing intent, and his face suddenly turned white in the next moment, your sister, where is a **** dog, this is clearly a star beast at the pinnacle of the Solar Realm.

"Help." Qing Niu asked for help without spine.

The spider and the butterfly also discovered this, and they immediately took a step back subconsciously, their faces were full of amazement. After the two of them went out, they brought back a **** dog at the pinnacle of the sun. What is this operation?

"Xiao Hei, I will take you back to eat meat, his meat is not delicious." Xiao Ai'ai said, and then the **** dog full of killing intent turned into a pug instantly, wagging his tail, looking at Xiao Ai'ai flatly. .

Qing Niu looked dumbfounded, is this really the peak star beast of the Solar Radiance Realm? It looks like a pug, how is your pride?

Xiao Aiai and Xiao Chen returned to Killing God Village with the **** dog.

Qing Niu recovered for a while before he came back to his senses.

"Spider sister, Butterfly, I think the three of us are going to guard the gate here in peace. You have also seen that there are mysterious deputy villagers, peerless geniuses with leapfrog challenges, and sufficient spiritual grass resources. , From time to time, he brought back a peak star beast in the Solar Realm, staying here, not only is safety guaranteed, but more importantly, it is easier for us to break through the existing realm."

Qing Niu said seriously, he is the best example.

Hearing that, the spider and the butterfly are lost in thought.

This is just a small episode. Xiao Chen didn't care at all. He traveled everywhere every day, eating fruits, and having a good time.

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