Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3818: Poor baby!

Qing Niu quickly put out the flames on his body, his face flushed from embarrassment.

"This Killing God will let you understand again, what is the two heavens of ice and fire!" Xiao Chen used nine swords as a sword. The sword was covered with chill. Xiao Chen stabbed several swords in a row, but the blue bull didn't react at all. Several swords have appeared, and these swords are all covered with a layer of frost.

"Ice and fire are not addictive, then let you experience what a sandstorm is." The nine-cut knife in Xiao Chen's hand slashed, no sword light appeared, but a sand dust tornado directly rolled the green bull in. The wind blade and sand blade combined to form a cross sign, which kept slashing on the blue bull.

After the sand tornado, the blue ox appeared in front of everyone with injuries all over his body. Although these injuries were minor injuries and were nothing at all, the blue ox at this time was extremely embarrassed.

"Blue Bull, with the strength of the original killing god, if you are willing, you can't even touch the original killing god's clothes, so don't try to provoke the original killing god, the original killing **** is not something you can provoke."

Xiao Chen said indifferently, a breath of fresh breeze swirled around his body, and an unattainable temperament exuded from his whole body. With that white robe, he seemed to be a banished immortal.

Everyone in Killing God Village looked at Xiao Chen in a daze, and awe flashed in their eyes, especially those strong men who later joined Killing God Village. Although they were all saved by Xiao Chen, they had never seen Xiao Chen's true strength. When I saw that a strong person at the peak of the Solar Radiance Realm was shocked, I couldn't say a word, and awe suddenly rose in my heart.

"The peak of the Sun Yao realm is really nothing remarkable." At this moment, Luo Chang walked out. After Xiao Aiai brought back the four guardian star beasts, Luo Chang competed with him for strength. She has never I have never been afraid of anyone.

"Don't stand up and talk without backache. If you have the patience, you can also try to break through to the peak of the Solar Realm." Qing Niu said very unconvinced.

"Even if I don't break through the peak of the Sun Glory Realm, I can beat you." Luo Chang said lightly.

"Then you come and try." Qing Niu said not indignantly. He and the second sister Lan had been fighting for a long time. It was not the heyday. In addition, he did not want to fight on that day, and naturally he did not show his true strength. Today Not only did he break through to the pinnacle of the Solar Realm, he was still in his heyday, and he didn't believe he would lose to a little woman.

"Come on, then." Luo Chang didn't refuse, but the voice fell, and the man had already rushed towards the green cow, without extra action, just a punch.

"I don't believe it anymore." The Green Bull Guardian was cruel. He must find face today, but the idea is good, but the reality gave him a heavy slap. When his fist hit the mace in his hand, he He felt an indescribable force coming, and he couldn't hold the mace with both hands, so that the mace hit his chest directly, knocking himself into flight.

Luo Chang took advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, and his fist fell on Qing Niu like a torrential rain. Although the movements were simple and rude, and there were not many gorgeous moves, they were full of blows and were pleasing to the eye.

"Poor baby, there are too many perverts here." Zhu Dachang looked at the beating green cow with sympathy on his face. He was killing the gods, repairing why is the most useless and the weakest. There are many perverts with strong strength.

"Are you convinced?" Luo Chang asked faintly after beating Qing Niu.

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