Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3816: Was hit!

The Green Bull Protector suddenly frowned, then a little bit below his feet, and fled in the only direction that was not blocked.

"I've said it, this is nowhere." Xiao Chen appeared in front of the Green Bull Protector with Xiao Ai'ai.

"Father and daughter double evil!" The Green Bull protector was taken aback. With just a glance, he could see that Xiao Chen was only a pseudo-sunlight state, and Xiao Aiai was even a mortal with no cultivation skills. If these two people could stop Under him, then he really wants to doubt life.

"Go to hell!" The mace in the hands of the Green Bull Guardian was severely smashed, and Xiao Chen pulled Xiao Ai'ai behind him, and then an uppercut, hitting the mace, directly brought the Blue Bull Guardian together. The stick went back.

The Green Bull Protector fell on the ground and shook his head vigorously, muttering in his mouth: "Impossible, this is impossible, it won't be, it won't be."

He shot without mercy, how could he be punched back by a pseudo-solar state.

"This poor child must have been hit." Zhu Dachang looked at Qingniu's guardian pitifully.

The two patrols behind Zhu Dachang, their faces were full of shock at this time. They had not been in the stockade for a short time. They never understood why a pseudo-solar realm would be the owner of the stockade, and why the two solar realms had their initial status It would be so high that many people looked at them with respect, and now they know that although these people have a low cultivation base, each of them is a powerful metamorphosis.

That’s one of the Eastern God Emperor’s thirteen guardians. Being able to become the thirteen guardians is naturally powerful. Although it hasn’t reached the peak of the Solar Realm, it is still outstanding even in the later stages of the Solar Realm. The strong, unexpectedly were stopped by two Early Solar Stages and a Pseudo Solar Stage, they were shocked in addition to shock.

"Doing the role of your whetstone well, maybe we can spare your life." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Who are you guys on earth!" The Green Bull Guardian finally reacted and asked loudly.

"It doesn't matter who we are. What's important is that you have no choice now, either to be your whetstone or not to die." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"I don't believe that you really dare to kill me. I am one of the Eastern God Emperor's thirteen protectors." Green Bull protector gritted his teeth, and then found a gap, wanted to escape from here, but hadn't escaped yet, so I was caught Luo Chang punched back.

The Blue Bull Protector was unwilling to run away again, but no matter which direction he escaped from, he was eventually beaten back. In the end, the Blue Bull Protector could only stop where he was.

He accepted the reality. Among the four people present, except for the second sister Lan and him, he couldn't beat the others, and he couldn't leave.

"Go on." Xiao Chen said.

The second sister Lan fought with the Blue Bull Guardian with a gun. Time passed slowly. Before she knew it, the two had been fighting for a day and a night. The Blue Bull Guardian was about to cry. At this time, he was lying on the ground, tired. Almost falling apart.

The second sister Lan is a humanoid tyrannosaurus, she doesn't know how to get tired. After fighting for a day and night, he is too tired, but the second sister Lan is not exhausted, but full of warfare. The second sister Lan has a toughness, even if he is Some admire it.

The Blue Bull Guardian and others were trapped in the Killing God Village, and the Blue Bull Guardian has directly become a long-term sparring partner. He either fights with the second sister Lan every day, or is practicing, but fortunately, Killing God is still humane. The grass does not lack him, even more than the spirit grass obtained from the Eastern God Emperor.

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