Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3813: Fight!

"What a courage, I dare to do something to the people of the Eastern God Emperor. It seems that there is no need for this stockade to exist." Qing Niu's guardian said coldly, with killing intent in his eyes.

"Master, someone is fighting, let's go and watch the excitement." Xiao Aiai's voice came from the stockade. Then, Xiao Aiai pulled Xiao Chen to the door of the stockade, looking excitedly at Zhu Dachang and Yin Leng. Youth fighting.

"The village master, little princess!" The two patrols hurriedly saluted after seeing Xiao Chen and Xiao Aiai.

Xiao Chen nodded and looked at the Green Bull Guardian and the others. At this moment, the Blue Bull Guardian and others also looked over. The Blue Bull Guardian glanced at Xiao Chen and Xiao Aiai, frowning and said: "Father and daughter double evil ?"

"What the **** is the father and daughter Shuangsha?" Xiao Chen questioned.

"It turns out that you two are hiding here. It seems that it is not in vain today." The Green Bull Protector said coldly, and the father and daughter Shuangsha killed many people of the Eastern God Emperor and saved many of the Eastern God Emperor's enemies. Father and daughter Shuang Sha had already been on the kill list of the Eastern God Emperor.

"You are the people of the Eastern God Emperor, come to me to kill the gods, what's the so-called?" Xiao Chen glanced at the **** character on the chest of the blue cow law protector, and said lightly.

"Kill you!" Qing Niu said coldly.

"It turned out to be here to find the fault." Xiao Chen smiled faintly, and then suddenly shouted: "An enemy has come to the door. If you want to fight faster, if you are late, you will be robbed."

As soon as Xiao Chen's voice fell, a group of figures had already fallen, Luo Jun, Luo Chang, Lan Ermei, and Qianmei Yilian were all present.

"They are mine."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, the second sister Lan had already taken the lead, without any nonsense, as soon as she grasped the spear, she already stabbed the strongest Green Bull Protector.

"Oh, let's talk slowly." Luo Jun and Luo Chang both sighed. They also wanted to go up to fight, but they were preempted by Lan Ermei, and they were not good at competing with Lan Ermei.

"Death!" Seeing that the second sister Lan dared to attack him, the guardian Qing Niu suddenly became extremely cold. When he stretched out his hand, a horn appeared in his hand and stabbed at the spear.

"Thunderstorm!" The second sister Lan gave a cold cry. At the moment when the spear collided with the horns, the spear suddenly heard the sound of a thunder explosion, and the spear suddenly accelerated!

The Blue Bull Guardian only felt a powerful force coming, and the whole person was instantly knocked into the air. The second sister Lan’s spear flashed with thunder. The second sister Lan’s marksmanship was originally domineering. With the power of the domineering thunder, the power is even more incalculable , With the outbreak of the fighting spirit, within just a few short moves, the Green Bull Protector was completely suppressed by the Second Sister Lan.

"Master Protector!" The others were shocked, and the cold youth also changed his expression.

"Fighting against me, you dare to be distracted. It seems that I was too gentle before." Zhu Dachang looked at the cold youth actually paying attention to the battle of the Green Bull Guardian, and suddenly became angry, and the nine-tooth nail rake exuded a chill. A rake interrupted the cold youth's long sword, and another rake hit the cold youth directly, and the terrifying chill instantly froze the cold youth.

"I don't know what I can do. Even with this level of strength, I dare to come and kill the gods." Zhu Dachang said with disdain, and then another rake, directly smashing the ice sculpture, the cold youth died without a whole body.

"He killed the mid-solar realm powerhouse?" The two patrols looked at Zhu Dachang and looked at each other. It turned out that Zhu Dachang was not bragging. He really had the power to kill the mid-solar-bright realm powerhouse.

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