Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3806: Little cute!

"The old man hasn't noticed it yet, but he feels that this little girl is a bit extraordinary. It doesn't hurt to make a good relationship with her as early as possible." Gan Laodao.

Xiao Chen thought a little bit, and the little girl surrounded by the crowd, everyone was deciding a name for it, and in the end everyone was vying for it, but there was no result, and the little girl was crowned with a cute name.

"Sister is so beautiful." The little cute voice was sweet and soft.

"Little cutie, my mouth is so sweet." Everyone liked it more and more, and they couldn't wait to hold the little cutie in their arms and cherish it.

"Sister, Little Cutie is hungry, Little Cutie wants to eat." Little Cutie grieved.

"Sister, I have something to eat here." The women present took out their own things one after another. There were all kinds of pills, all kinds of delicacies, and all kinds of snacks. Everyone took out their private possessions.

Little cutie looked at these things, frowned slightly, obviously disliked them very much.

"Little cutie, what do you want to eat?" Qianmei Yilian crouched in front of Xiao cutie and asked tenderly.

Little cutie frowned slightly. She didn't know what she wanted to eat. At this moment, a little rabbit ran over, and then directly hit a big tree and killed herself on the spot.

"I want to eat it!" Little cutie's eyes lit up and pointed to the little rabbit eagerly.

"How about let me cook it for you?" Xiao Chen picked up the little rabbit, walked to the little cute side, and said in a gentle tone.

Little cutie looked at Xiao Chen up and down, bit her little finger slightly, as if thinking about something, and nodded after a while.

Xiao Chen smiled, took out all the condiments in the space, and baked a little rabbit with the highest level of his life.

When the scent came out, everyone couldn't help but look over. When did Xiao Chen still have such a craft.

Little cutie looked at the barbecue in Xiao Chen's hand, her eyes were full of light.

Xiao Chen smiled and gave the barbecue to Little Cutie, and Little Cutie took it and started eating it eagerly.

"It's delicious." Little cutie said happily.

"Little cute, do you want to eat such good things every day in the future?" Xiao Chen asked, eyes flashing.

Little cutie nodded.

"Then you worship me as a teacher, and I will barbecue for you every day from now on, how about?" Xiao Chen was like a big bad wolf, tempting little cute.

When Xiao Chen's voice fell, everyone looked at Xiao Chen in a puzzled way. Little Cutie is really cute. They all like it very much. But they also checked Little Cutie just now, but found that Little Cutie's talent is extremely poor, even ordinary people can't compare with it, and it is difficult to cultivate. , How could Xiao Chen think of accepting the cute as a disciple.

"Thanks to my big brother, can I eat barbecue every day?" Little cutie asked suspiciously.

Xiao Chen nodded seriously.

"Well then, you will be my master in the future." Little cutie said.

The little cute mother is gentle and eloquent. Has her good daughter been fooled by a little rabbit?

However, Xiao Chen and the others were their own lifesavers, and she could also see that everyone looked at Xiao Chen with respectful eyes, and if their daughter worshiped Xiao Chen as a teacher, she would have a safe place in the future.

Thinking of this, she did not stop.

"Since you are my apprentice, you also need a big name. I will give you a big name. My surname is Xiao, so your name is Xiao Ai'ai, can you?" Xiao Chen looked at Wen Wan and asked for her advice.

"Of course." Wen Wan said hurriedly.

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