Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3795: Play a game!

"Betrayed me, you should know what the end is." Lu Feiyu said lightly, without sadness or joy on his face.

Lu Donghuajiao and the others changed their expressions. Lu Feiyu seemed to be gentle, but he was a cruel master, otherwise he would not be young, so he would have mastered the Lu family and ruled Riyao Lu.

"I said, they are all my people now. Isn't it too good for you to threaten him like this?" At this moment, Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Your people?" Lu Feiyu was taken aback, looked at Lu Dong, and said, "You betrayed me because of him?"

Lu Dong nodded.

"Hahaha, Lu Dong, you betrayed me and Lu Family because of such a person. I think you have become a fool by cultivation." Lu Feiyu sarcastically said.

"Lu Feiyu, what do you mean, you say he is a fool, doesn't it mean that I am also a fool, do you look down on me?" Xiao Chen was immediately unhappy.

Lu Feiyu looked at Xiao Chen with contempt in his eyes.

"You dare to look down on me. I want to be the king of Sun Yao Lu. I know that now Sun Yao Lu is ruled by you, then we are destined to be enemies. Now that we met, we can simply decide the outcome. , To see who is the king of Riyao Road."

Xiao Chen said indifferently, the voice fell, Lu Feiyu and the others were startled, and then all laughed, some even laughed, and the laughter was full of ridicule, you are a pseudo-solar state, and you want to fight for hegemony with Feiyu. Is this awake?

Lu Feiyu's spiritual knowledge swept away, and Xiao Chen and the others had a panoramic view of their cultivation. They only stayed on the second sister Lan for a while. The others' cultivation was simply not enough.

"Snatching the King of the Sun Yaolu with me, you also have the qualifications. To be honest, it's just a matter of me to destroy you all." Lu Feiyu said lightly, who is he, he is the son of Feiyu , Young Master Feiyu who ruled Sun Yao Lu, he was the king of Sun Yao Lu, no one dared to disobey him. Suddenly someone dared to challenge him and suddenly became interested.

"But it's too boring to kill you like this. Why don't we play a game." Lu Feiyu's eyes flashed torturous, waved his hand, and ten powerhouses walked out behind him, two in the late solar stage, and three in the sun. The middle stage of the shining state, the five sun shining stages in the early stage.

Lu Feiyu pointed at the ten powerhouses around him, and smiled slightly: "There are five in the early solar stage, three in the middle solar stage, and two in the late solar stage. There are ten strong in total. One of you One, play with them one-on-one, as long as you can beat five rounds, even if you win, I can ignore you and let you go."

Too arrogant!

Everyone looked angry.

"Playing games, I like playing games the most, so let's come." A smile appeared on Xiao Chen's face.

"Have the courage, I hope you can bring me more fun." Lu Feiyu smiled.

"I'll set up the stage for you!" The woman said suddenly, and then waved, in the middle of them, a ring rose from the ground, and then, the woman waved again, two huge stone platforms rose from the ground, a very good contest. The stands and stands are perfectly formed.

Everyone looked at the woman, with shocked eyes flashing in their eyes. With such a big handwriting, such a big martial arts arena was created in the blink of an eye, and the arena was extremely strong. How strong it was to get it out.

Qianmei Yilian looked at the woman, her eyes flashed solemnly for the first time, and she could feel that the strength of the woman in front of her was stronger than her, and if the woman took action, they would probably be destroyed directly.

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