Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3791: Seriously injured!

"Damn, I'm not convinced, how can he be so strong!" Zhu Dachang said unwillingly.

"His physical strength is actually stronger than Shang'er. How many cards does he have?" Lujun murmured. He and Xiao Chen were still able to fight back and forth during the Yueyao Road ladder. Luo Jun shook his head, he was probably no longer Xiao Chen's opponent.

"This place is terrible, a small pseudo-solar state is so terrifying, this emperor wants to go back." Sister Lan looked bitter.

Boom boom boom!

Xiao Chen and the tall young man kept fighting each other. The two didn't have too much skill. It was a fight of strength. The more they fought against the tall young man, the more frightened he became.

With the help of the strength of the tall young man, Xiao Chen continuously tempered his physical body, and the power in his body turned faster and faster, and the power that could be exerted became stronger and stronger.

"Baihu Eternal Fist!" The tall young man suddenly roared, with an explosive power coming from his body, and then punched Xiao Chen, but it seemed that countless fists were hitting him, and these fists seemed to have traveled through the eternal ages. It's hard to guard against.

Xiao Chen's arms were blocked, and in an instant, he suffered countless blows on his body. Xiao Chen spurted blood and flew out, and fell to the ground fiercely, raising dust in the sky.

"Kill God!" Everyone was shocked.

The tall young man was short, panting violently. The Baihu Eternal Fist was his strongest move. In just one move, all the power in his body was shot out, in order to kill with one blow!

If he didn't guess wrong, every bone in Xiao Chen at this time should have become powder.

"Boy, it is also your honor to die under my trick." The tall young man said solemnly.

"Young man, you are too confident." At this moment, Xiao Chen's hoarse voice came over, and everyone suddenly looked at it. When the smoke cleared, Xiao Chen appeared in front of everyone, but at this time Xiao Chen was extremely embarrassed. Almost all Bai Lie stuck to the ground, as if there were no bones, only a pile of meat. It was obvious that the bones of Xiao Chen's body had been broken.

"You didn't even die, but you are not far from dying like this." The tall young man was surprised at first, and then sneered. Baihu Eternal Fist never disappointed him.

"If you want me to die, you're still tender." Xiao Chen raised his head with difficulty, and said with a grin. The Nine Turns Shenhuang Jue had already started to spin quickly, and the bones on his body were slowly being reshaped.

"When you die, you dare to be **** your lips." The tall young man said coldly. Just as he wanted to make a move, Luo Chang and Lan Ermei had already stood in front, staring coldly at the tall young man.

The tall young man's face darkened, and he glanced at Luo Chang and Lan Ermei. He used the Baihu Eternal Fist, his body strength was already less than one percent before, and he would only suffer a loss if he continued to fight.


The tall young man did not entangle too much, and retreated decisively.

"Kill God, are you okay?" Qianmei Yilian fell beside Xiao Chen and asked worriedly.

"Just sleep for a while, you help me protect the law." Xiao Chen lay directly on the ground, Nine Turns Shenhuang Jue kept running, and he closed his eyes as if he was asleep.

"He was injured so badly, can he be healed? Wouldn't he just die like this?" Zhu Dachang looked at Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen is now inhumane, and seems to be on the verge of death.

"Shut up, even if you die, he can't die." Qianmei Yilian glanced at Zhu Dachang coldly, Zhu Dachang was startled, thinking of the scene of being flogged, he couldn't help his body trembling.

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