Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3785: Recognition scene!

"Since you are descendants of the succubus predecessors, then you can stay and I will protect you."

Qianmei Yilian said that she has received Crimson Thunder, and the second sister Lan has also recovered her clarity. A trace of jealousy flashed in her eyes. She had never been afraid of anyone in a confrontation, but she could not cope with such an indefensible method. .

"Second sister, this is from the Qianmei clan!" Sister Lan said solemnly.

"Qianmei Clan!" Lan Ermei was startled, and then her face gradually sank, "No, the familiar feeling you gave me does not belong to Qianmei Clan."

"The charm on her body is clear at a glance, but the familiar feeling you gave me is not a charm." Qianmei recalled that the second sister Lan gave her a familiar feeling, but it was different from the sister Lan. .

Lan Ermei and Qianmei Yilian both frowned slightly.

"This is a good fight, how come it has become a confession scene." Everyone stared at each other.

The three of Qianmei Yilian returned, and Sister Lan pointed to Qianmei Yilian and introduced: "This is Qianmei Yilian. From now on, we will be a guest of our Blue Water Sect. Seeing her is like seeing this emperor."

"I have seen adults!" The people of the Lan Shui Sect hurriedly saluted, one is because they also know the ancestral training of the Lan family, and the other is because the strength shown by Qianmei Yilian just now is enough to make them respectful.

Qianmei Yilian and Lan Ermei still frowned and looked at each other. They both felt that each other was very familiar, but they just couldn't remember where they were familiar.


At this moment, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and then, a group of figures fell down, surrounding everyone, and one of them was the young man who had just been flew out by the hammer.

Said he was also lucky, the direction he was hammered, happened to meet the people of their sect.

"A lot of beautiful women." A tall young man beside the young man looked at the disciple of Lan Shuizong, his eyes were full of excitement when he met the prey, not only him, but also everyone else.

"I didn't lie to you, these women are much more beautiful than the women in the harem of those old guys, plus they haven't been destroyed yet, this is a great furnace."

The young man said, there were some surprises in his eyes. He didn't expect that after being beaten up, there would be so many beautiful women here.

"Eldest Sister, Second Sister, it's him!" After seeing the young man, Lan Sanmei was shocked and frightened, and immediately pointed to the young man and said angrily.

"I dare to take action against the emperor's sister, and I want to use this emperor as a furnace. The emperor will kill you and give it to the emperor!" Sister Lan said with great murderous interest. In the Blue Water Empire, she is the emperor. No man dared to lift his head when he saw her, let alone look at her with such eyes.

The emperor was furious, floating the corpse thousands of miles away, the strong blue water sect directly killed the people around, and the second sister Lan also killed with a gun. A melee has broken out.

"What should we do?" Shen Yue and others looked at Xiao Chen.

"Does this need to be asked, of course it is to help the Lan family sisters, don't you have the heart to watch these beautiful women lose their jade?" Xiao Chen took it for granted.

"When did you become pitiful and pitiful?" Shen Yue asked in surprise.

"I have always been very pity for Xiangxiyu." Xiao Chen defended.

"It's strange." Zhu Dachang said with disdain, but even though he said that, he went to help the first time, and the others smiled, and they also took action.

Soon, except for Xiao Chen and Qianmei Yilian, they all fell into battle.

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