Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3779: Be low-key!

The Guangming Sect and the Black Dragon Sect fought for most of the day, each with deaths and injuries. Later, a star beast roared, and the two sides immediately stopped fighting, and then the Black Dragon Sect sent people to check the surrounding situation, and the Guangming Sect also shrank.

A few days later, other channel forces came. As the saying goes, one person has water to drink, two people carry water to drink, and three people have no water to drink. The three forces are afraid of each other, but they did not fight.

However, as more forces came, the sun splendor in the circle became more and more dense, even stronger than Sun Yaolu. It was more effective in practice, and the spirit grass in the circle began to absorb sun splendor, and it was pulled up. Crop after crop.

The circle was overcrowded. In order to seize a better place and to seize more spiritual grass, contradictions broke out immediately, big and small battles continued to start, and even one or two star beasts came out to fight the autumn wind from time to time.

At this time, Xiao Chen and the others had left the circle and appeared on a mountain, far away from the circle, because as more powerhouses appeared, the circle was expanding, and even at the very edge, wars often broke out.

At this time, Xiao Chen and others were all standing on a boulder on the mountain peak. At this time, everyone had undergone earth-shaking changes. Shen Yue's four people had all recovered to their peaks, and Zhu Dachang had broken through the sun. The Yao state had reached the initial stage of the Sun Yao state, and only Xiao Chen was in the pseudo Sun Yao state.

"We are hiding here, is it too useless?" Zhu Dachang said unwillingly, he also wanted to enter the circle to kill, but Xiao Chen chose to avoid the fight and hid here, and everyone else obeyed As for Xiao Chen, he was also very helpless.

"Then you try it alone." Xiao Chen said lightly. The various forces in the circle continued to fight, large and small. As the battles continued, some forces were annihilated, and some forces united to form a larger force, and some Like them, they simply withdrew from the competition, but all that can stay in the circle are powerful forces, and these people are not enough for others.

"I'm not going." Zhu Dachang, he is not stupid, and he has also learned to be a low-key, low-key man, low-key work, pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and he doesn't call himself a little master.

Everyone smiled and shook their heads.

"But you don't have to worry. I have a special method to obtain spirit grass. You only need to practice peace of mind to increase your strength." A handful of dog's tail grass appeared in Xiao Chen's hand and he distributed the dog's tail grass to everyone. These dog tails In the grass, there is plenty of sun power.

"I really don't understand, how did you get these spirit grasses." Zhu Dachang happily took the dog's tail grass, and then went to retreat holding the dog's tail grass, and the others retired one after another, and soon there was nothing left. Xiao Chen and Qianmei Yilian.

Xiao Chen faintly stretched out his hand, and two big red apples appeared in his hands. The apples were bright in color and contained the majestic power of the sun.

"Here you are." Xiao Chen took out one point and gave it to Qianmei Yilian.

Qianmei Yilian was not polite, so he took it, took a bite, and smiled: "Eating fruits by yourself, but letting them eat grass, you are really dark enough."

"What they have is good." Xiao Chen said, with a smile on his face. No one knew that the highest harvest in the entire Spirit Grass Continent was Xiao Chen.

There are battles, there must be casualties, and the solar nuclei left by the strong after death cannot be broken away. In the end, they were all thrown into the universe space by special means by the system, and suddenly weeds grew in the universe space. These weeds are the dog's tail grass that contains the power of the sun.

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