Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3763: Qianmei Yilian's determination!

Hearing that, Hua Jiao Shen Yue was a little silent. They were once spirited geniuses, but unfortunately, in the end they lost to reality, and they were smoothed by reality.

"Where should I go?" The confusion flashed in Qianmei Yilian's eyes, the gap between her and Xiao Chen was getting further and further, she now only had the qualification to look up, and she didn't know where to go.

"Little girl, do you want to follow in the footsteps of Xiao Chen?" At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded in Qianmei Yilian's mind, and this voice is still familiar to Qianmei Yilian. .

"It's you?"

"Answer the old man, if you want, the old man will help you." Gan Lao said lightly.

"How can I help me?" Qianmei Yilian asked eagerly. She knew that if this went on, she would be dumped by Xiao Chen sooner or later, but she didn't want to. At this time, hearing the old man would be like a drowning person. Seeing a boat, my heart was filled with hope.

"The old man has a pair of eyeballs left by the Qianmei clan powerhouse after the fall. If you can integrate them into your own eyes, your strength will surely rise. It is not a problem at all to surpass Killing God and Zhu Dachang." Gan Lao said lightly. .


"Yes, but the charm of the Qianmei clan is all concentrated on the eyes. If you are not firm when you blend in, you will easily fall into the infinite charm, you will be lost by your charm, and you will never get out."

Gan Lao said lightly.

Qianmei Yilian's face became heavy. Charisma, in simple terms, is a charming mind. Let it listen to your own commands. If you are fascinated by your own charm, you will never be able to relieve it, and the whole person will Be a fool.

"The Qianmei clan is also a well-known big family in the Central Continent, with complex forces. Even if it is better than the war **** Xiao Chen clan, my goal is to match the former king of the Qianmei clan, Meihuang!"

After thinking about it, Qianmei Yilian said in a deep voice.

"Charm Emperor, I have a bit of an impression." Gan Lao said indifferently: "Thousands of Mei Clan generally prosper the family by marrying other powerful men, but this charm emperor is different. She actually turned a charm into powerful energy. , Crushing the heroes with strength, is famous for a while."

"Senior knows very well, what the Emperor Mei can do, and I can do it too, and I also ask senior to help." Qian Mei Yilian said solemnly.

"Did you think about it?" Gan Lao asked.

"Think about it." Qianmei Yilian nodded.

"The old man will help you." Gan Lao said lightly. The next moment, Qianmei Yilian suddenly disappeared, but everyone's attention was concentrated in the ladder, and no one noticed Qianmei Yilian's disappearance.

And on the battlefield inside the ladder, Zhu Dachang was shot out by Luo Chang, his heart was full of unwillingness. In one attack, the silver scales on his body slowly turned pale gold.

The phantoms of Xiao Chen and Luo Jun also slowly disappeared, leaving only the body.

"Happy, it's been a long time since I had a fight like this." Luo Jun laughed and said, "Next, I'm going to be serious."

"A warm welcome." Xiao Chen said, with some expectations in his eyes, Shenhuang Absolutely, only through constant battles can he improve his strength faster, and Luojun is the best partner for training.

"Then I'm coming." Luo Jun smiled, stretched out his hand, and pulled out a handful of hair, then put it in the palm of his hand and blew, each hair directly turned into a gentleman sword, neatly arranged together, Full of momentum.

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