Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3755: Have an apple!

Everyone looked at the shallow sword marks, unable to say a word of shock, and then looked at Xiao Chen who had recovered his body, with shock, fear, and worship in his eyes.

Zhu Dachang also recovered his body, glanced at the sword mark, and then at Xiao Chen, his eyes were fierce, the nine-tooth nail rake in his hand was raised high, and suddenly the wind was surging, and the power continued to gather towards the nine-tooth nail rake.


The rake in Zhu Dachang's hand slammed on the ladder, and the flames were all over the place. Zhu Dachang was shaken back several steps. After stabilizing his figure, he hurriedly looked at the place he had raked, the next moment his face sank. , Because there is nothing left on the steps.

"How is it possible that Xiaoye is not as good as you?" Zhu Dachang looked at Xiao Chen, his face full of dissatisfaction.

Xiao Chen patted Zhu Dachang on the shoulder, "Bajie, accept your fate, you are destined to be the second brother."

"Little master just refuses. We're in Bibi, to see who kills more." Zhu Dachang said coldly and asked him to be the second child. He refused to accept 10,000, and his voice fell, and he rushed to those dumbfounded experts.

"Then Bibi, see who killed more." Xiao Chen held the sword of killing, with a confident smile on his face, and rushed out.

"Compete with us, you two are looking for death!" The strong around were suddenly furious, one by one burst out a strong aura, greeted them, and immediately started the melee again.

Lu Yu was looking at the melee inside the ladder, his face was a bit heavy, and the April messenger stood behind him, and his indifferent expression was also a bit solemn. One of them walked up to Fall in front of him and said in a low voice respectfully: "Second son, these two Although people's cultivation level is not high, they are very strong. It is difficult to rely on these people to win them."

"Of course this son knows, it seems that he can only ask for help." Luo Yu's expression was a bit ugly. He dignifiedly fell on the second son of the family and wanted to kill two people. He even asked for help. He was embarrassed, but if he couldn't take them down, It will be even more embarrassing at that time and may even be held accountable by the family.

The April messengers looked at each other, and two of them quietly retreated, already asking for support.

The battle in the ladder is in full swing, Xiao Chen and Zhu Dachang are like divine aids, and the two cooperate more and more tacitly. Although there are more and more powerful people around, they cannot break through the defense of the two in a short time.

However, when people are powerful and poor, the surrounding strong will take turns attacking, although the two are strong, they will be consumed sooner or later. This is the perception of all the strong.

It's just that as time passed, Xiao Chen and Zhu Dachang became more and more courageous in their battles, even if their bodies were covered with wounds and blood, their auras did not weaken a bit, but instead became more and more prosperous.

"Monkey, bring an apple to the young master." Zhu Dachang swept out the strong people around with a rake, shouting to Xiao Chen.

"Here you!" Xiao Chen threw out an apple, and Zhu Dachang swallowed it in one bite. Suddenly, it seemed as if he had taken a panacea, and a powerful breath burst out of his body. There was nothing exhausted or exhausted.

"What the **** is going on?" With a solemn expression on his face, the melee on the ladder has been fought for more than a day, and there are hundreds of dead powerhouses. Such a high-intensity battle, logically speaking, even the peak powerhouse of the Moonlight Realm , There will be exhaustion, but the two are still alive and well, which is completely unreasonable.

"What's going on?" At this moment, a slightly evil voice sounded, and then, a young man wearing a garland and chestnut head appeared beside him, and behind the young man, thirteen strong people followed. By.

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