Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3741: shield!

"Okay, it's okay, others don't know your identity, but the killer knows it clearly, let's talk, what's the purpose of your sudden appearance." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Oh, by the way, the old man has forgotten that the old man came to see you for a joke." The face suddenly said, the angry face just now was full of gloat, and Shen Yue and others were stunned. Is this a kid? His expression changed. change.

"Look at my jokes, what jokes do I have to watch?" Xiao Chen looked puzzled.

"You don't know yet, your apprentice, but it's a trouble." The face gloated.

"Luo Chang?" Xiao Chen frowned slightly, "What's wrong with her?"

Luo Chang's face was also dark, looking at his face, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Little girl, is it you or the old man?" The face suddenly looked towards Luo Chang.

As the voice fell, everyone looked at Luo Chang in unison.

Luo Chang's face was gloomy, and his body was full of gloomy killing intent. At this time, Luo Chang's body was full of gloomy cold. Except for Xiao Chen, everyone could not bear the gloomy cold and gradually backed away.

Luo Chang raised his head and looked at Xiao Chen. When he found that Xiao Chen's face was as usual, he was stunned. The gloom on his face slowly dissipated. After a moment of silence, he opened his mouth and said, "On Riyao Road, the Lu family has dominated Riyao Road. Became the only force on the Riyao Road, and the one who did all of this was Young Master Fei. Young Master Fei saw my talent and wanted me to be his woman, but I didn’t like him, so I wanted to find a shield ."

"Young Master Fei!"

Shen Yue, Hua Jiao, Lu Dong and others' expressions all sank.

"So I'm the shield?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Yes!" Luo Chang gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Hahaha, brat, Lu Feiyu has taken a fancy to this girl’s talent, and Luo Jia wants to use this girl to climb Lu Feiyu, you ruin their good deeds, so no matter it is Luo Jia or Lu Feiyu, neither Leave you alone, no matter if you go to Yueyao Road or Riyao Road, you will be chased down. Thinking about that scene, the old lady will be happy!"

The face laughed loudly, seeing Xiao Chen unlucky, he was happy.

"I was hunted down, are you so happy?" Xiao Chen looked at his face, "If I remember correctly, I'm still your savior, how do you treat your savior?"

"Hmph, what kind of savior are you? You are just lucky." The face instantly became cold, and it was very ugly.

"But you can't deny that if you don't have me, you can't get out at all." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Che, I don't argue with you, so you can enjoy the feast of hunting and killing, I hope you can survive." The face sneered, and the voice fell, and the entire stone giant shattered directly into a boulder, and the breath of the face had disappeared.

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. I'm already used to being chased. If you want to see my jokes, you won't be able to look at it in your life." Xiao Chen said lightly, as if he knew his face hadn't left.

"I don't believe it!" The voice of the face suddenly sounded, very abrupt, as if it was in a certain direction, and it seemed to be everywhere.

"In addition, I am telling you a piece of news. I have already distributed a message on Yueyao Road and Riyao Road. Now the entire Yueyao Road and Riyao Road know that the little princess Luojia was abducted by your murderer, so you Wait for the entire Yueyao Road powerhouse to chase down."

"I rely on, labor and capital have hatred with you, you treat labor and capital like this!" Xiao Chen's indifferent expression was full of anger in an instant, and he said directly. He didn't doubt the words of the face, because he knew that the face can do it. .

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