Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3737: hungry!

Xiao Chen didn't know how many star beasts had dissipated under Luo Chang's fist. He only knew that the power in his body was somewhat exhausted, and he could no longer condense more star beasts.

Luo Chang's strength completely surpassed his imagination, the world is so big, and the strong are coming out in large numbers.

"Hey, I'm hungry, do you have anything to eat?" At this moment, Luo Chang who was fighting suddenly said to Xiao Chen, and then added: "Whatever it is to eat?"

Xiao Chen said with an expression. They seemed to be in a hostile relationship. Luo Chang actually asked him to eat?

"Lost home is deducting your food, so you even ask the enemy for food, and do you think I will give you food?" Xiao Chen asked back.

Only the words fell, but Luo Chang glanced at Xiao Chen with an idiotic look, and said lightly: "We are cultivators, how can we have food when we leave home?"

Xiao Chen's face stiffened again. The cultivator, who feeds on energy absorption, does not need to feed energy through food, but he usually likes food and wine, and he didn't expect it for a while.

"Then you still want me to eat?"

"I am special." Luo Chang said lightly.

"Even so, don't forget, you are going to kill me. We are in a hostile relationship. How could I feed you." Xiao Chen said silently.

"Can't you give it?" Luo Chang asked with a look of innocence, like an innocent girl. If she hadn't seen the horror of Luo Chang, she might have been puzzled by her appearance.

Xiao Chen paused, looking at Luo Chang's expression, he really couldn't say anything to say, Xiao Chen thought for a while, a roast chicken appeared in his hand, and then threw it to Luo Chang.

Luo Chang took the roasted chicken, smelled it, and his face was full of surprises, and he bit down with one bite. Then, Luo Chang roasted the chicken with one hand, fisted with the other, and blasted the surrounding star beasts!

Seeing this, Xiao Chen was not gathering the star beasts, but scattered all the star beasts around him.

Luo Chang glanced at it, and simply did it, and tried his best to eliminate the roast chicken in his hand. It was just a roast chicken. For Luo Chang, it was not enough to plug his teeth.

"Is there any more?" Luo Chang looked at Xiao Chen with a longing face, like a hungry person seeing food.

Xiao Chen thought for a while, and fell to Luo Chang's side, and with a wave of his hand, an Eight Immortals table and two chairs appeared. Then, Xiao Chen waved his hand again, and the Eight Immortals table was already filled with all kinds of delicacies.

Seeing this, Luo Chang's eyes seemed to shine, and then he was not polite, grabbing the things on the table, and eating.

Xiao Chen sat opposite to Luo Chang, and slowly began to eat, and at the same time put some wine, one was wild and the other was quiet, but the wild one was Luo Chang, and the quiet one was Xiao Chen .

Luo Chang continued to wipe out the delicacy in front of him. During the period, Xiao Chen also received a few glasses of wine for him. The atmosphere on the table was very good, and there was no feeling of tension before.

Just after drinking a few glasses of wine, Luo Chang actually started a drunken madness, roasting chicken in one hand and wine jar in the other, and then directly hit the drunken fist, and the quiet plain was directly torn by her.

Xiao Chen hid in the distance, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

At this moment, Luo Chang suddenly found Xiao Chen, and appeared in front of Xiao Chen instantly, shaking his head, with a little bewilderment in his eyes, "Husband?"

"I am not your husband, I am your master." Xiao Chen said calmly, but there was some cold sweat on his forehead, and his heart was still a little nervous. He was ready to flash people at any time. He didn't want to be beaten by Luo Chang.

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