Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3735: Be my husband!

Then Lu Dong, the three became neighbors, looking at Zhu Dachang and Xiao Chen who were fighting with Luo Chang, their faces were full of loneliness. They were dignified and powerful, and their ability to endure was not as good as the two-month-old. With a fake moonlight, this kind of blow is not something ordinary people can experience.

Zhu Da's intestines were thick and thick, and it was longer than the resistance of the three suns. Luo Chang hit him with a punch, a sound full of shock, loud and rhythmic!

Xiao Chen's Nine Transformation Divine Desolation Judgment continued to revolve. Every time he hits his body, his body's strength radiates from his limbs and corpses. Although it hurts, it is still very effective in tempering the body. In short, it is pain and happiness. With.

Zhu Dachang and Xiao Chen persisted under Luo Chang’s fist for half longer than the three Sun Glory Stages, but Zhu Dachang couldn’t hold on anymore. The animal skins on his body were smashed, and then they went straight. She was punched to the ground by Luo Chang, lying on the ground, unable to lift her hands.

"I am not convinced!" Xiao Chen kept roaring, rushing to Luo Chang over and over again.

It’s just that I don’t know when, Luo Chang’s eyes suddenly appeared bright, with anticipation on his face, and at the same time he murmured: "Eighty eight, eighty nine, ninety!"

Xiao Chen didn't notice Luo Chang's expression. At this time, his heart was full of dissatisfaction. Who is he, he is the **** of murder, and he is the master of the crazy upgrade system. He absolutely cannot be defeated, even if the enemy is strong!

"This kid deserves to be the avatar of the God of War Xiao Chen, born for war!" Gan Lao's eyes were full of admiration.

"Kill kill kill!" Xiao Chen roared, his fighting spirit erupting, infecting everyone.

Qianmei Yilian held her hands on her chest, her face was full of worry, and she murmured: "Kill God, come on!"

"The village master!" Sha Kuang clenched his fists and looked at Xiao Chen who would never give up, his eyes full of determination.

Shen Yue, Lu Dong, Hua Jiao, and Wei Wuxin all silently watched Xiao Chen, who had been defeated again and again, but stood up again and again, and their hearts were moved.

Although Zhu Dachang couldn't even lift his head, his consciousness was still there, and he clearly felt the war intent on Xiao Chen's body. He suddenly seemed to feel something. An inexplicable force emerged from his body, impacting his limbs. Hundred Mukuro.

"Ninety-three, ninety-five, ninety-seven!" Luo Chang still murmured and counted the numbers, but his eyes got brighter and brighter, and soon Luo Chang counted to one hundred.

"Stop!" Luo Chang said suddenly, Xiao Chen's offensive stopped suddenly, looking at Luo Chang with some doubts.

"I want you to be my husband!" Luo Chang looked at Xiao Chen and said very seriously.

"Huh?" Xiao Chen looked confused, and the other people who had touched Zheng Shen were also stunned by the sudden words. The whole neighborhood was quiet and terrifying, and everyone looked at Luo Chang stupidly.

"I once sweared that as long as the cultivation base is not too high than mine, and can resist me for a hundred punches without dying, I want him to be my husband. You meet my requirements, so you must be my husband. "Luo Chang said seriously, with a serious face that makes people no doubt what she said.

"I refuse, you are too young to meet my aesthetics!" Xiao Chen flatly refused.

"It's okay if you don't be my husband, then you can only be a dead person!" Luo Chang said, the voice fell, and a terrifying aura came out, his small face was full of murderous intent, and what was even more shocking was that Luo Chang's body appeared With a heavy feeling like a mountain, Xiao Chen and others couldn't breathe under pressure.

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