Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3728: Messenger of April!

"too horrible!"

The eyes of the old man and other strong people in the village were full of fear, and his figure couldn't help retreating. It was worthy of a home to dominate Yueyao Road. It was just ten powerful men of the Moonlight Realm, and it was not at all that these fake Moonlights could compare to them. of.

The smoke and dust gradually dispersed, the original village has become a huge pit. The eyes of the old man and others are full of panic, but this panic gradually turned into consternation, because in the smoke and dust, there are two figures standing straight. With.

They fixed their eyes to see that it was Xiao Chen and Zhu Dachang, and there were no scars on their bodies, and even their clothes were intact.

"Bajie, what do you think?" Xiao Chen said.

"Dare to do something with the little master, the little master will swallow them raw!" Zhu Dachang said brutally.

"Then compare, who eats more." Xiao Chen said lightly, his voice fell, and as a dull roar sounded, Xiao Chen directly transformed into a giant chimpanzee, and then, suddenly opened his huge mouth, an indescribable expression The attraction came, and the ten Moonlight Realm powerhouses were the first to bear the brunt, and were attracted to lean towards the giant mouth.

"Smelly monkey, you shameless!" Zhu Dachang yelled, regaining his boar's real body, his scarlet mouth opened, and another powerful attraction came. The ten strong moonlight realms were suddenly pulled by two attractions. , As if to divide them in half.

Luo Yu stretched out his hand, a defensive barrier stood in front of him, shielding Luo Fei and others behind him, his face was slightly solemn.

"April messenger, do it!" Luo Yu said in a deep voice, and just as his voice fell, behind him, suddenly three men and a woman appeared. Four of them were expressionless, wearing the same black clothes, and engraved in front of them. The words, the whole person is like a machine, and his body exudes a suppressed evil spirit.

"April Envoy!" Luo Fei glanced at the four of them. His figure couldn't help taking a step back. His figure trembled slightly, with unabashed fear on his face. He was afraid of the April Envoy.

The messenger of April is a killer machine carefully cultivated, only obeying the orders of the fall, powerful and brutal, it is the sharpest weapon in the hand.

When the family reunified Yueyao Road, Luyu made great military exploits by relying on the April Envoys. The April Envoys were very famous on Yueyao Road.

"Yes!" The indifferent voice came from the April messenger. The next moment, the four suddenly disappeared, and then appeared behind the wild boar and the chimpanzee. Four palms were shot at the same time, forming four huge palm prints, and crashed on the two giants.

The two behemoths were directly beaten to the ground, causing the mountain to shake for a while, and the terrifying gravity disappeared in an instant. The ten Moonlight Realm powerhouses instantly withdrew, looking at the two behemoths that fell, their eyes flashed slightly. Over fear.

"Where is the rat, dare to attack the young master?" Zhu Dachang roared, and then he recovered directly, turning his head to look at the envoy of April, his face full of anger.

"Bajie, don't need to get angry, attack us, just fight back." Xiao Chen also recovered, looking at the April messenger, his face calm, but a dignified light flashed under his eyes, he could feel that the four people in front of him were very strong .

"Little master is going to swallow you all!" Zhu Dachang didn't notice Xiao Chen's name, but rushed to the four in anger, without extra action, and the fat right hand directly patted it!

The April messenger dispersed in an instant, and then pointed out at the same time that the force of the four fingers immediately fell on Zhu Dachang, and a few blood flowers burst out instantly, and Zhu Dachang screamed in pain.

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