Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3726: The comer is not good!

"Shen Yue, are there any enemies of your Shen family here?" Xiao Chen asked Shen Yue.

Hearing that, the old man also recovered, and he was furious. The kid in front of him dared to call their ancestor's name directly. This was not too big or small. He just wanted to speak, but he heard that Shen Yue had already spoken.

"Why are you asking this?"

"Then you need to ask, of course it is to kill people." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"I don't think so, there are already ready-made prey delivered to the door." Shen Yue said lightly, her eyes falling into the distance.

Lu Dong, Hua Jiao, and Xiao Chen all looked far away, and at this moment, at the exit of the valley, a group of figures appeared, and in the blink of an eye, dense figures appeared on both sides of the valley.

"Those who come are not good, those who are good won't come!" Shen Yue said lightly.

"There are still a lot of people, it seems that some have played this time." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"No, it's the people who have left home, how come they come?" The old man of the Shen family said in shock, with undisguised fear in his eyes. Not only him, but also the faces of others showed fear.

"Fortunately, you are still the Shen family, just such a thing, you are so afraid of you, how can I have you waste offspring." Shen Yue glanced at everyone, her face gradually cooled, and she reprimanded coldly.

"Ancestor, you don’t know. These are the strong men who have fallen into the family. Yueyao Lu has almost been ruled by the Lu family, and Lujia is still the in-laws of the Sun Yao Lu family. It represents the face of the Lu family. It's annoying." The old man said very quickly, his figure still a little trembling, although the Shen family is the first force on Xingyao Road, this is not Xingyao Road.

Hearing that, Shen Yue's face became more gloomy, and Binghan killing intent flashed in her eyes, "You don't know yet, the Shen family on Yueyao Road and Riyao Road has been destroyed by the Lu family, so no matter whether it is home or on the road Home is our mortal enemy, kill it if you see it!"

"What!" Hearing this, the old man and the Shen family powerhouse around him were stunned, and then hurriedly shook their heads, "Impossible, we can't be the opponents of Luojia and Lujia."

Shen Yue's face turned dark. She thought that the old man didn't believe that the Shen family was destroyed, but she didn't expect them to be so cowardly that they didn't dare to seek revenge from the Lu family. She was so angry that she wanted to pinch these people to death!

"You are very good." Shen Yue said angrily, and those figures had already come to the front as soon as he could.

The head was a young man wearing a golden robe and a golden crown. By his side, it was Luo Fei and his servant with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek standing beside him.

"Second brother, that's the hand that the fat pig did to me!" Luo Fei quickly saw Zhu Dachang in the crowd and said bitterly.

"It's him, the young master!" The servant also pointed at Zhu Dachang and shouted.

"It turned out to be looking for you." Xiao Chen glanced at Zhu Dachang.

"Are you here to seek revenge from the young master?" Zhu Dachang walked to the front, glanced at the person, and said lightly.

"Although my younger brother is not learning and skillful, his cultivation base is low, and he is useless, but after all, he is the one who left home, not everyone can bully." Luo Yu said indifferently.

Luo Fei's face was tinged with a touch of arrogance. Although he was criticized by his second brother for incompleteness, he didn't care at all. He was still proud of being a family member.

"So?" Zhu Dachang asked.

"The person who bullied me and left home is a dead end. Do you do it yourself or I do it." Luo Yu said lightly.

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