Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3636: Revenge tool!

She has only one thing to do now, and that is to help Xiao Chen heal her injuries.

Gong Jun stood there, looking at the direction the two were leaving, frowning slightly, "Qianmei Yilian, what kind of person are you, and what is the origin of that kid?"


Qianmei Yilian found a relatively safe place, arranged the barrier, and wanted to heal Xiao Chen.

"You just need to protect the law for me, my recovery power is very strong." Xiao Chen said.

"How on earth did you do it, Gong Jun’s power of thunder, even if I dare not take it, how did you survive a blow?" Qianmei Yilian stopped, then curious. Asked.

"Because my skin is thick enough!" Xiao Chen smiled faintly.

"Don't tell me, you are really thick and thick." Qianmei Yilian smiled. Although she did not take any action to heal her injuries, she had just observed Xiao Chen's condition. After ensuring that Xiao Chen could indeed recover by himself, she relaxed. Come down.

"I think you praise me, but Qianmei Yilian, did you worry about me just now?" Xiao Chen smiled.

"Of course I am worried about you. After all, you are my important revenge tool. If you die, where can I find such a good revenge tool." Qianmei Yilian said naturally.

"A revenge tool? Just be happy if you are happy." Xiao Chen smiled, did not mind or continued the topic, but closed his eyes and started to recover with all his strength.

Qianmei Yilian didn't speak either. An Xin was protecting Xiao Chen's law, but complicated colors flashed in her eyes from time to time. No one knew what she was thinking. Did she really just use Xiao Chen as a revenge tool?

Xiao Chen's resilience is not just to say, it's just two days, it has been restored to the same level as before, seeing Qianmei Yilian looked surprised, and then looked at Xiao Chen, his eyes brightened.

After Xiao Chen recovered, they invested in the great cause of hunting star beasts, but at any rate this desert continent was big enough that they would not leave for a while.

However, a month later, they met Gong Jun and others again, but Gong Jun and the others were four before, but now only three are left. When Gong Jun and the others also found Qianmei Yilian, the two women looked at Xiao Chen burst into a strong hatred instantly.

"We are really destined!" Qianmei Yilian saw Gong Jun and suddenly smiled.

Gong Jun's face changed, he wouldn't think that Qianmei Yilian smiled at him because she was happy. This Qianmei Yilian was absolutely uneasy and kind.

"What do you want to do?" Gong Jun asked in a deep voice.

Qianmei Yilian did not answer, the thunder chain had already whizzed out, forming a chain and trapping the three of Gong Jun in it.

"Qianmei Yilian, what do you mean?" Gong Jun's face sank.

"It doesn't mean anything, it's just that you are uncomfortable looking at you alone. If you don't have a fight or hand over a pseudo star core, you choose an eight." Qianmei Yilian said lightly.

"Qianmei Yilian, if you want to grab our star core, it depends on whether you have the ability, and you may as well tell you that I have notified the palace family, I believe they are almost on this unknown continent, if you run enough If you hurry, maybe you can leave here."

Gong Jun said indifferently, the palace family belonged to the Xingyao Road. The palace family was strong in the Xingyao Realm. He established his own strength on Xingyao Road. Over time, he has become a terrorist force, at least the Xingyao Realm is strong. He is not the only one.

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