Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3612: The little witch reappears!

Evil Sword looked at the two and hurriedly saluted them respectfully, "I have seen Lord Xiao Chen, God of War, and Senior Qianmei Yilian!"

The man next to Qianmei Yilian is no one else, but Xiao Chen, the God of War in the special training area on Mingxia Star!

Tathagata also walked out of the dark, and together with the Hunting God, bowed to the two of them.

God of War Xiao Chen and Qianmei Yilian did not respond. Qianmei Yilian is a powerhouse in the Star Realm and does not need to return a gift. The God of War Xiao Chen is so arrogant and disdain to return a gift.

Qianmei Yilian's gaze fell on Xiao Chen below, with a calm expression on her face, her red lips lightly opened, and she said lightly: "It's been a long time."

"What, Senior Qianmei Yilian actually knows the Killing God!"

After seeing this Qianmei Yilian greet Xiao Chen, everyone was surprised. Huang Tian, ​​Hunting God, Tathagata and others all changed color slightly.

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly in his heart, Qianmei Yilian seemed to say hello to an old friend, but Xiao Chen knew how deep Qianmei Yilian's killing intent was under that plain expression, but even so, he couldn't show timidity.

"One day is like three autumns. I miss you very much, and I miss that feeling." Xiao Chen smiled, with a gentle smile on his face, no other meaning can be seen, but it makes Qianmei Yilian's eyes There was a chill, this **** kid, did he mention that matter on purpose?

God of War Xiao Chen frowned slightly as he looked at the expressions of the two, not knowing what he was thinking.

"We haven't seen each other for so long, should we learn from each other?" Qianmei Yilian didn't show the killing intent, but smiled slightly, making people feel like spring breeze.

Xiao Chen was a little strange. If you look at the previous contact with Qianmei Yilian, Qianmei Yilian should kill him directly, but now Xiao Chen finds that Qianmei Yilian has a chill in his eyes, but only did not kill him. meaning.

"There is a thing that comes first, then comes later. When I defeat Huang Tian, ​​the evil sword, Mo Sheng, the hunter god, defeated Tathagata Shilong, and defeated the **** of war Xiao Chen, I will accompany you to learn from each other."

Xiao Chen didn't understand what Qianmei Yilian's idea was, but he had to improve his strength through constant battles. Only in this way could he have the strength to fight against Qianmei Yilian who was a powerhouse in the Starlight Realm.

Xiao Chen's voice fell, and the face of God of War Xiao Chen had already cooled down, defeating him? He didn't know how to live or die, but he didn't speak. For the provocation of the ants, he only needs to trample to death.

"Alright." Qianmei Yilian nodded, not knowing what she was thinking, and then waved her hand, a huge star enchantment trapped Xiao Chen and Huang Tian in it.

The star barrier on Xiao Chen's body had disappeared. Xiao Chen looked at the huge star barrier. This Qianmei Yilian was preventing him from escaping.

At this moment, a sword light flashed, and Huang Tian was already holding a long sword and stabbed Xiao Chen. The black and white sword light formed black and white double snakes, intertwined, and stabbed at Xiao Chen incomparably vicious!

"God-killing two styles, fist breaks the world!" Xiao Chen yelled coldly, looking at the black and white double snakes, and directly punched it out. At the moment of contact, Xiao Chen was hit by the black and white double snakes and kept backing away, Xiao Chen shouted loudly With a sound, both arms skyrocketed, and the black and white double snakes stopped abruptly. They only persisted for a while before being shattered by Xiao Chen's powerful force.

Xiao Chen stepped on his foot, like an arrow from the string, rushing towards Huang Tian, ​​and Huang Tian pierced out with a sword. The tip of the sword made Xiao Chen's fists collide together, and sparks suddenly splashed like sparks hit the earth.

"I don't believe it, my dignified evil sword will not kill you!"

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