Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3596: Great battle!

The power within Scar Emperor surged, and a very strong breath came out, and then Scar Emperor punched out, a fist full of earth attributes, with heavy power, hit Xiao Chen.

"Ice!" Xiao Chen smiled faintly, and the killing sword in his hand instantly transformed into ice attributes. Xiao Chen raised his hand and cut forward. An ice attribute sword light directly met the white beard spikes and fists.

When the ice attribute sword light collided with the white beard spikes and fists, an unbelievable scene happened again. I saw the spikes and fists. After touching the ice attribute sword light, they were instantly frozen and stayed in place. .

After that, he stayed in midair for a few seconds. Whether it was a fist or a white beard, it was directly broken into ice **** and fell downward.

"How is it possible that this method can only be done by the powerhouse of the Starry Sky Realm, are you really a powerhouse of the Starry Sky Realm, but your cultivation base...?" Bai Mie looked at Xiao Chen in disbelief. Somewhat puzzled.

"I am a genius. Leapfrogging challenges are commonplace, understand?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"This...!" Both Bai Mie and Scar Huang were stunned, how can they praise themselves like this, but no matter what, they have no doubt about Xiao Chen.

"Boss, Daoist Bai Mie, Daoist Scars, stop talking, I have important things to discuss with you, let's find a place to talk." Mo Yu said.

"Let's go." Xiao Chen said, and then led the three of them to his attic. When they saw the layout of the attic, all three of them were curious.

At this time, the sky had already been turned upside down in the stockade. They saw with their own eyes that Xiao Chen had only two tricks, and he broke the move of killing the three strongest masters in the village, and the status of killing the gods instantly increased in their hearts. Big cut.

In the attic, the three of them suppressed their curiosity, and quickly entered the topic.

"Boss, Mingxia Star can be said to be surging recently. In the special training area and the upper training area, there have been geniuses who can cause Xinghui to change. In order to compete, these geniuses are recruiting strong people everywhere. Occupied by Chen, the upper-level training area has become a three-legged situation. I am afraid that their hands will reach the middle-level training area, so please make a decision early."

Mo Yu said in a deep voice, his expression extremely solemn, he thought it would be great to have Xiao Chen who caused Xinghui to change, but now, these geniuses appear one after another, and one is stronger than the other, it seems Mingxiaxing I'm going to be caught up in the big world controversy, and I don't know if the other transit stations are the same. If they are, I am afraid that all transit station forces will have to reshuffle their cards.

"What are you talking about, Xiao Chen, God of War!" Xiao Chen stood up instantly with a look of surprise on his face. He didn't expect to encounter the avatar of God of War Xiao Chen before reaching the center of the universe.

"It seems that the boss also knows that the **** of war Xiao Chen, who is unattainable, is not something we can think of, and Xiao Chen, the **** of war, will not look at our strength. What we are worried about is only the three of the upper-level training area. Genius." Mo Yu and the three were not surprised by Xiao Chen's reaction. When they first learned of the news, their reaction was greater than Xiao Chen's.

"It is surrender, it is resistance. We must think carefully about which genius to surrender. Otherwise, if you are not careful, killing the gods will be forever." Mo Yu said very seriously.

Hearing that, Bai Mie and Scar Huang's faces also became very serious, and their hearts tended to surrender. After all, they can subdue the perverted powerhouses in the upper-level training area. These geniuses are very powerful in their own strength, and they cannot kill the gods. Against it.

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