Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3590: Wrong boss!

A strong person glanced at Xiao Chen, then looked at Mo Yu, and asked seriously, they had just worshipped the wrong boss, they didn't want such an oolong thing to happen.

"Of course it's ok, otherwise you think it's that simple to leapfrog the challenge." Mo Yubai glanced at everyone.

After hearing this, everyone was stunned, and then they thought, that such geniuses are rare. Then, their eyes fell on Wei Jun. They just worshipped the humiliation of the wrong boss. They were worried that they had no chance to vent. After the orders of the new boss, they naturally won't keep their hands.

Wei Jun looked at the expressions of the people, his face sinking, and then he simply hugged his head and squatted down. There are so many late-stage creation realm powerhouses here that he can't run away. It's better to just admit his life, otherwise it will be more troublesome.

Seeing that Wei Jun was so acquainted, everyone didn't feel much embarrassment. They just went up for a round of punches and kicks. Although they didn't use any strength, being beaten by so many powerful people was a great humiliation!

After teaching Wei Jun, because Wei Jun was protecting his head, there were no scars on his face, but there were various footprints on his body, which looked extremely funny!

As early as when Xiao Chen and Mo Yu were fighting, Wei Qiang and the monkeys had already broken through. Wei Qiang looked at Wei Jun and laughed without any concealment. The monkeys and others wanted to laugh, but did not dare to laugh.

After that everyone shot at the same time to restore the stockade to its original state, but the stockade also has a new name, kill the village!

Wei Qiang looked dumbfounded at the many strong people in the stockade. After learning that they all recognized Xiao Chen as the boss, he couldn't say a word in shock.

A few days later, Mo Yu brought all of their subordinates over, and the people in Killing God Village were suddenly overwhelmed, and Killing God Village was greatly enlarged as a result.

Although everyone didn't understand why Mo Yu and others should worship Xiao Chen as their boss, they did not dare to object to Mo Yu and others' prestige.

Mo Yu was the strongest among these strengths, and his prestige was very high. Xiao Chen directly promoted him as the deputy village master and handed over the management of Killing God Village to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu also didn't refuse, and the management of Jiangsha Shenzhai was methodical. In the entire village, except for Wei Jun who was aggrieved, the others were quite cooperative.

As expected, Mo Yu was an individual, possessing strength and ability. Xiao Chen was very satisfied, and turned back to his attic.

Xiao Chen now lives on the second floor. There is a sofa in the attic, which has the atmosphere of a modern villa. Of course, these things were put in the storage ring before Xiao Chen left the earth. They are available at any time, convenient and comfortable.

Xiao Chen started cultivating directly on the sofa. Soon the stars above the attic changed. There were a lot more stars in the entire cottage, especially above the attic, where the stars became more intense.

Mo Yu led everyone in the stockade, looking at Xinghui above the attic, with an excited smile on his face.

"Sure enough, the boss is the genius who drives Xinghui to change. There are more and more Xinghui in the stockade, which is also beneficial to our future cultivation."

Everyone didn't speak, but they also had excited smiles on their faces. Then they made arrangements. Everyone took turns to guard and retreat. This way, the security of the stockade could be protected, and the scattered stars could be used more reasonably.

The changes in Killing God Village quickly attracted the attention of the strong from other regions, and many strong came to investigate the news. After learning that so many strong at the late stage of creation had gathered together, many strong were moved. thought.

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