Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3578: anger!

"Hahaha, if you were a strong man, how could you come here?" As soon as Xiao Chen's voice fell, the monkey couldn't help laughing, and the others' faces were full of mockery.

"No way, although I am a strong one, I can't resist the chase of the strong star-bright realm, but unfortunately, you are not the star-bright realm." Xiao Chen spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Be chased by a strong star?" The boss was taken aback, and then said in shock: "You mean you were chased by the little witch? Why did she chase you down!"

It's no wonder that the boss thought of Qianmei Yilian, but Mingxiaxing only has the little witch and a strong star, and watching the little witch these days, the other party is probably looking for someone!

"I slept with her person and grabbed her five-pointed star crystal, so she wanted to kill me!" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"What!" Hearing this, the neighborhood suddenly became quiet, everyone looked at Xiao Chen dumbfounded, and Xiao Chen's words kept echoing in their minds, and Qianmei Yilian fell asleep? How is this possible!

"Pentagonal star crystal, could it be?" The boss's attention was obviously on the five-pointed star crystal. He immediately thought of the Xinghui crystal. Looking at Xiao Chen, he was eager: "Where is the five-pointed star crystal, give it to me! "

"I used it." Xiao Chen said.

"What! Damn, you are so damn, you actually used the star crystals we finally got, I will kill you!"

The boss was furious, his heart seemed to be burned, and he almost burned his sanity. They were suffocating because of the Xinghui crystal matter. They thought they were used by Qianmei Yilian before, even if they were angry. The method, but now it was discovered that it was used by Xiao Chen, he had no time to verify the authenticity, he just wanted to kill Xiao Chen and vent his depression!

The roar fell, and the boss stepped on his feet, and the entire mountain forest shook for a while, and the next moment, the boss had appeared in front of Xiao Chen, and with an angry fist, he slammed down at Xiao Chen.

At the moment when the boss moved, Xiao Chen's expression became very serious. Although he didn't know what Xinghui Crystal was, he knew how powerful it was. Thinking of the pursuit and killing of Qianmei Yilian by several people, Maybe it was because Qianmei Yilian had robbed the other party's treasure, so Xiao Chen tried it, but he didn't expect the other party's boss to fall into anger easily.

A cruel look flashed across Xiao Chen's eyes. Since the boss has become somewhat irrational because of anger, don't blame him.

The boss smashed an angry punch, Xiao Chen dodged sideways, a long sword appeared in his hand, a sword light flashed, Xiao Chen had appeared behind the boss, and a blood stain appeared on the boss’s neck, the next moment, Blood spurted, and the head of the boss had flown out.

Everyone didn't react to the sudden change, until the boss's head fell to the ground, and the others reacted, and immediately everyone's face appeared angry, and Xiao Chen directly surrounded Xiao Chen with murderous intent on his face.

"Boy, you are so courageous, you dare to sneak attack our boss, we will definitely thwart you!" The monkey said angrily, but there was no sadness and panic of the boss' death on his face.

"Let's go together and kill him!" The others all shouted angrily.

"Hold on!" At this moment, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded, and this voice Xiao Chen was very familiar, it was the boss's voice.

Xiao Chen suddenly frowned slightly, and then discovered that the head that had fallen to the ground had actually flew up by itself, and then landed directly on the headless body, stitched together flawlessly.

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