Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3571: Help comprehend!

But the leisurely days are always going to pass. There is not much spiritual energy on the earth. If you live for a long time, it will affect Xiao Chen's cultivation base, and he must leave.

Xiao Chen summoned the count of vampires and others, his eyes flickered, and he directly asked, "Do you want to become a cultivator?"

"Can we?" The Count Vampire was taken aback, and asked some incredible.

"Although your talents are a mess, but in front of me, everything is not a problem." Xiao Chen said, Count Vampires are already old, their bodies are already formed, and their physique itself cannot be cultivated, but Xiao Chen now However, it is still possible for the strong in the creation realm to improve their physique with the power of the gods and let them practice.

"Thank you for your kindness, Master, I am willing to serve the master forever, and never betray!" Count Vampire knelt down on one knee, and the others also knelt down and pledged allegiance. They had seen the methods of a cultivator with their own eyes. Cultivators, how can they miss it.

"I don't need your service. Even if you become a cultivator, you are not worthy to serve me. I only have one requirement, that is, after you become a cultivator, protect the Hua Nation."

Xiao Chen said lightly, and then waved his hand, a ray of divine power directly wrapped everyone in it, and began to improve their physique, and then some holy crystals appeared in Xiao Chen's hand, centered on the villa, he set up a spirit gathering formation. With the power in the holy crystal, it is enough to support the gathering spirit formation for millions of years.

After that, Xiao Chen chose some low-level cultivation techniques and prepared to teach them to the Count Dracula. The reason why Xiao Chen did so much for them was only to repay them for their kindness to protect Su Ke.

For Xiao Chen, these were just doing things casually, but for the count of vampires, it was indeed a great gift.

After Xiao Chen successfully improved the physique of the Vampire Count and others, he was about to leave, when suddenly a dozen people broke into the Spirit Gathering Formation, and all of them were cultivators. Among them were two acquaintances, Qin Rui. And its master.

"Hey, what a rich aura, how could this world have such a rich aura?" When these people walked into the villa, they immediately sensed the rich aura, making them refreshed and couldn't help taking two more breaths.

"What's going on here? When I came last time, there was nothing here. Now its aura level is even better than Kunlun Mountain." The old man couldn't help saying, his eyes were full of shock.

"This is the Spirit Gathering Array!" At this moment, a voice sounded, and Xiao Chen's figure fell directly.

"Little friend!" After seeing Xiao Chen, the old man bowed his hands and greeted him.

"Who are they?" Xiao Chen glanced at the crowd and asked straightforwardly.

"Little friend, let me introduce to you. This is the leader of the Cultivator Alliance, the leader of the wind. These two are the deputy leaders. These are the top ten guardians. They are the top power of the Cultivator Alliance. I heard that I mentioned before. The little friend's ability, I came here specially." The old man introduced with a smile.

Hearing that, Feng Leng and several other powerful men showed a hint of arrogance on their faces.

"I don't care if you really want to visit me or have any other purpose. I am too lazy to deal with you. You only need to know that I am not something you can afford."

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