Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3569: Acknowledge!

"I'm sorry, Master, I'm ashamed of you." Qin Rui lowered his head, his face was full of shame. Not only did he not take Xiao Chen, but he almost went crazy because of Xiao Chen's words. He has completely forgotten that a cultivator should have Calm.

"This time, please reflect on it carefully!" The old man admonished, and then his eyes fell on Xiao Chen, his eyes flashed with surprise: "The little brother has such a skill at a young age. The old man admires it, but you almost hurt. The old man’s apprentice, as a master, the old man must seek justice for him. Therefore, the old man has to ask the little brother for some tips, let the little brother take action."

The old man made it clear that he was going to help Qin Rui, and it seemed that this was also a master of shortcomings.

"Since you want to ask me for advice, then naturally you are the first to act." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"In that case, the old man is not polite." The old man's eyes sank, his clothes fluttering, and a powerful aura spread out of his body. The next moment, he was already ejected like a cannonball and slapped Xiao Chen with his palm.

Xiao Chen stepped forward and appeared behind the old man, and the brick in his hand dropped out, right at the back of the old man's head, the old man's figure staggered, almost falling into a dog and eating shit.

The neighborhood is quiet again, and Fu Shiyi and others don’t know how to describe their feelings. When Qin Rui just called the old man's master, they already knew that the old man was a better teacher than Qin Rui, but this was it. Waiting for the immortal master, now Xiao Chen has actually shot a brick again, what is the situation?

Qin Rui was also a little stunned, his master was also beaten up.

However, after being hit by the brick, the old man and Qin Rui's performance were completely different. The old man didn't say anything cruel, nor did he become angry. He just sank his eyes and continued to fight Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen didn't confront the old man head-on, but quickly appeared behind the old man when the old man's palm prints came, and then a brick.

After going back and forth several times, the old man was not doing it. He finally recognized a reality, that is, Xiao Chen's strength is far stronger than him.

At this time Qin Rui was completely dumbfounded. His master took the initiative to make so many moves, and he didn't even touch the corners of Xiao Chen's clothes. Instead, Xiao Chen shot several tiles continuously. Could it be that Xiao Chen's strength is better than His master is even stronger.

Before that, when he shot himself, wasn't it because Xiao Chen had been playing around with him, thinking of this, Qin Rui's heart was suddenly full of loss.

"My little friend is strong. It's the old man Meng Lang. The old man is here to apologize to the little friend. In addition, I would like to thank my little friend for letting my ineffective disciple make a living."

The old man clearly realized the gap between himself and Xiao Chen, and his attitude immediately changed drastically. Not only did he make a good call, he also changed his name to a little friend.

"Why did I admit it so quickly? I haven't filmed enough yet. It's really meaningless." Xiao Chen was immediately unhappy.

The old man smiled awkwardly, and then he said: "I don't know how the little friend is called, who is the teacher?"

"You don't need to inquire. You don't know if you say it. Since you don't want to fight anymore, then you can leave, and you will not be far away." Xiao Chen directly issued the order of eviction. He is not a cultivator on earth and wants to inquire. The old man has miscalculated his origin.

"It's the old man Meng Lang. The old man is from Kunlun Mountain. If you are interested, you can visit Kunlun Mountain. The old man is waiting for his drive in Kunlun Mountain."

The old man arched his hands again, turned around and took Qin Rui directly away with his sword.

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