Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3566: Pan back!

Fu Shiyi and others looked at Qin Rui, who was flying with the sword, and was shocked again.

Qin Rui stood on top of Xiao Chen's head, muttering words, pinched Yinjue with both hands, and suddenly formed a long sword exuding spiritual power all over him.

"Retreat!" Xiao Chen waved his hand, and then two pans appeared in his hands again.

"What does he want to do?" After seeing Xiao Chen's movements, Fu Shiyi and the others showed doubts on their faces.

"He just blocked the bullet with a pan, does he still want to use a pan to block the attack of the immortal master?" The young man in a suit suddenly said, with doubts flashing across his face.

"No, the immortal master's attack is not comparable to bullets. He wants to use a pan to block it. Is he stupid?" The bald young man was surprised.

"What are you guessing, don't forget, he is also a cultivator, how can you guess the method of a cultivator." At this moment, Feng Sheng suddenly said in a cold voice that Xiao Chen is a cultivator after all. He took out the pan at this time, it must have his deep meaning.

Hearing that, the other three were stunned, and then it was right to think about it. Although Xiao Chen's movements were not as big as Qin Rui's movements, Xiao Chen was also a cultivator after all.

On the sword, Qin Rui flashed a gloomy face after seeing Xiao Chen take out the pan. He didn't feel any aura from the pan. In other words, the pan in Xiao Chen's hand was an ordinary pan. , Xiao Chen even used ordinary cooking pans to defend, and he didn't take him seriously.

"Zhuxian Sword Formation, kill!" Qin Rui's eyes flashed with killing intent, and he gave a cold shout, the sword shadow all over his body was like rain, stab Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen looked at the falling sword rain, raised the pan, and then danced with his hands. The pan suddenly became like a divine weapon, and it clanged all the falling sword shadows flying out, and suddenly filled with long swords around Xiao Chen.

"That's okay!" Fengsheng's faces were a little weird, because this scene happened not long ago, but it was just a bullet, but now it is the long sword of the cultivator.

"How could this happen? It was obviously an ordinary pan, and I didn't feel a trace of spiritual energy fluctuations. How did he blow my flying sword away." Qin Rui's face showed a trace of astonishment, and he didn't even know what happened. what.

"Xiao Chen, is this the legendary artifact, the pan in your hand?" At this moment, Old Fan suddenly asked, the legendary artifact in his mouth is not a so-called artifact, it's just the past few days. Xiao Chen has been playing a certain kind of game, which is an artifact in the game.

"Hey, that's good. I used to like to fight with my fists. Now I take up a pan to fight. It's not funny." Xiao Chen looked back and smiled.

"I have been in contact a lot these days. In addition to thermal weapons, my favorite is the bricks. You can try to fight with the bricks." Old Fan said seriously. He is a master of the creation realm and he can receive information very quickly Quickly, in addition to thermal weapons being his favorite, Banzhuan has also become his favorite.

"Brick in one hand, pan in the other, both offensive and defensive, interesting and interesting." Xiao Chen laughed, full of excitement, as if he had already thought of a certain scene.

"Asshole!" Qin Rui's expression was very ugly. When fighting with him, Xiao Chen still had time to chat with others, so he didn't take him seriously.

Thinking of this, Qin Rui raised an anger in his heart, fully urging his inner spiritual power, and more sword shadows fell on Xiao Chen at a faster speed.

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