Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3558: Learn to be cruel!

The void of the universe!

Everyone's eyes were on the star-filled woman, without blinking.

In the void, there is infinite starlight, and the galaxy universe is much brighter than before. Even if it is far away from the earth, it can be sensed, but they just feel that the starlight tonight is extraordinarily bright.

Cosmic Hunters, Fatty, Old Fan, Xiao Ling, and Xiao Chen all looked at Su Ke motionlessly, for fear of missing something. After all, this was the first time they had seen someone break through the Starlight Realm. For them, It was an unprecedented opportunity, no matter what insights were gained, or the experience of breaking through the starlight realm, it was an important asset.

Time slowly passed, and the starlight continued to improve Su Ke's body, soul, and power. Su Ke's aura became stronger and stronger, and his temperament became more and more mysterious.

I don't know how long it took. The starlight on Su Ke's body slowly disappeared, or it can't be said that it disappeared, but it was completely absorbed by Su Ke.

The next moment, Su Ke opened his eyes suddenly, and everyone was startled. In Su Ke's bright eyes, everyone seemed to see the vast starry sky, deep and beautiful, and people couldn't help but sink in.

"My boy, congratulations for breaking through the starry brilliance, and collecting the starlight from you, or they will all die soon." Xiao Chen in black suddenly said, and Su Ke laughed when he heard what Xiao Chen in black said. He received the starlight in his eyes, and at this moment, the others suddenly woke up, their backs were already covered with cold sweat.

They almost fell into the infinite starry sky just now, if they were lost in it, they might not be able to get out for the rest of their lives.

"Master, how is my current cultivation base better than Xiao Chen?" Su Ke suddenly asked.

"Your current cultivation level has already played him a few blocks. In the words of the earth, he is now at the primary school level at most, and you are already a college student. This is the gap between you!"

Black-clothed Xiao Chen laughed. In other words, there is no comparability between Xiao Chen and Su Ke. One is in the creation realm and the other is in the starlight realm. The two are like a world of difference!

Su Ke's eyes moved, and the next moment, he appeared next to Xiao Chen, looked at Xiao Chen, and said with a smile: "It seems that I am running ahead of you again. You have to catch up with me quickly!"

"Let's go back, I have to complete daily tasks!" Xiao Chen said blankly.

Su Ke's expression stagnated. It seems that Xiao Chen still hasn't fully accepted herself, or can't say that she can't accept the disappearance of those women. For some reason, an emotion called jealousy arose in her heart, although those women are all themselves , But the feeling that I am jealous of myself is getting stronger and stronger.

"Don't worry about going back, apprentice, to officially enter the world of cultivators, you still need to learn a little bit. In the world of cultivators, kindness is absolutely impossible. You must be cruel!"

Xiao Chen in black suddenly said seriously.

"Master, what does this mean?" Su Ke recovered. Since Xiao Chen didn't chase him, she would chase him. If he wanted to chase Xiao Chen, he had to enter the world of the cultivator where Xiao Chen was.

"Kill these people, this is what you want to learn today." Black-clothed Xiao Chen pointed to Fatty and other universe hunters. The world of cultivators is cruel. Only cruel, incomparable, and cruel, can you survive.

"This..." Su Ke showed some hesitation on his face.

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