Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3555: Fusion attributes!

Starry sky!

Su Ke waved his hands, thunder dragon, water dragon, and soil thorns attacked at the same time, and instantly hit the fat man, sending a terrifying explosion.

It's just that after the explosion, the fat man still didn't suffer any harm, and Su Ke attacked him as if it were tickling.

"You can try to fuse the powers of different attributes together!" Xiao Chen suddenly said. He talked with Tian Xing'er before he left. Tian Xing's colorful power is the product of the fusion of different attribute forces, and she also relied on it. Break through the creation realm in one fell swoop.

Hearing this, Su Ke's eyes brightened, and at this moment, the fat man had already rushed over. Seeing this, Su Ke subconsciously waved his hands. A water snake and a fire snake merged to form a water and fire double snake, which hit hard. Fat body.

The fat man's body suddenly stagnated, he had a short stay, and the next moment he continued to rush towards Su Ke.

A holy light appeared on Su Ke's body, her figure receded, and joy flashed in her eyes. Although her attacks were gorgeous, but their substantive effects were pitiful, her previous attacks did not cause any harm to the fat man, instead they were just water and fire. The snake slightly blocked the fat man's figure.

Su Ke kept dodge. Although Fatty was strong, his speed was short and he could not catch up with Su Ke.

Su Ke continued to merge the different attribute powers in his body. At first, it was only two attributes. Although it still didn't cause any harm to Fatty, it could block Fatty's speed for a while, making Fatty unable to continue chasing.

As he continued to fight, Su Ke began to merge the three attribute powers together, and with each attack, he could slightly deflect the fat man's figure.

"Hey, you deserve to be my apprentice. I have merged the three attributes so quickly. Her talent is stronger than Tian Xing'er. After all the attributes are integrated, I don't know how much achievement will be made. "

Xiao Chen in black smiled slightly proudly.

The others didn't speak, but stared at the battle between the two, with admiration in their eyes.

And the other cosmic hunters trapped in the black-clothed Xiao Chen starlight barrier, watching the battle, their faces are ugly to the extreme. They are cosmic hunters. They usually hunt and kill other people, but now they are treated as others. It's simply too frustrated to lose other people's trial stones.

Su Ke's battles are getting more and more smooth, his powers are more and more smoothly, and the fusion of different attribute forces is also getting smoother. Three attributes, four attributes, and five attributes, in the increasingly ugly eyes of Fatty, Su Ke's current power finally turned into a colorful light.

And when Su Ke's power turned into ten colorful rays of light, his power also became very powerful. When he fought with Fatty, he didn't have to run away like before, but there were back and forth.

"No, there is still inexplicable power in her body, which is fusing with her power." A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of Xiao Chen in black.

"Inexplicable power?" After hearing this, everyone was startled, looking at black-clothed Xiao Chen somewhat puzzled.

Black-clothed Xiao Chen didn't explain, just looking at Su Ke in the battle, his eyes brightened. It seemed that he had picked up the treasure this time, and he didn't waste his efforts.

"It seems that I have succeeded, imitating the avatar technique of the **** of war, Xiao Chen, dividing Su Ke's soul into eleven parts. Now that I have merged, my strength has been greatly improved.

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