Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3553: The earth is not the end!

"If you want to support me for a lifetime, you still need to work harder." Xiao Chen said seriously.

"Yes, I will work hard!" Su Ke nodded seriously.

"Hold the grass!" Suddenly everyone in the hall felt as if they had eaten shit.

"This skinny is really thick!" Fu Shiyi said coldly.

Xiao Chen didn't seem to hear Fu Shiyi's words, and just said indifferently: "Aren't you leaving? Bother me playing games."

"Please!" Su Ke also directly issued an eviction order.

Fu Shiyi glared at Xiao Chen unwillingly, then turned and left with him.

"You come with me!" Xiao Chen said to Su Ke, and then took Su Ke to a place where no one was there. The next moment, the two suddenly disappeared and appeared in the void of the universe.

At this time in the void, black-clothed Xiao Chen, Xiao Ling, and Fan Lao had all appeared.

"Suke, the earth can never be my end point. If you want to stay on the earth, you will treat it as if I didn't say anything. If you don't want to, you must learn to fight. Do you understand what I mean?"

Xiao Chen stared at Su Ke and said solemnly.

"I understand." Su Ke nodded earnestly. Although she has never left the earth, she still knows the world of the cultivator. It is a hundred times more cruel than the earth. The weak is the strongest, and life is the most vulnerable there. Well, life is extremely fragile, and only by becoming stronger can you live.

"Since you understand, let's go." Xiao Chen and Xiao Chen in black looked at each other. The group of people went directly out of the Milky Way universe and into the starry sky. At this moment, there was a group of cosmic hunters in the starry sky. Looking for something.

When Xiao Chen and the others appeared, the eyes of all the hunters suddenly turned away.

These hunters are exactly the group of hunters who besieged Fan Lao before, but the number is more than half as much as before, and there are a total of twenty creation realm powerhouses.

"Enclose!" With a wave of the youth, all the hunters acted simultaneously, enclosing Xiao Chen and others.

"I thought you had already run away, but I didn't expect you to show up. We really didn't waste our search. We were so lucky." The young man said lightly, licking his scarlet lips, and the murder was revealed!

"Are you lucky? You are wrong, we are lucky." Xiao Chen in black grinned, "We were looking for someone to practice hand skills, but you showed up unexpectedly."

"Practicing hands?" Hearing this, the young man suddenly stopped. "Hahaha, here is the depths of the universe. You actually want to practice hands, say you are practicing hands, it is better to say that you are looking for death!"

"I said practicing hand is practicing hand, Xing Yao, a single world!" Xiao Chen in black said lightly, and then waved his hand, and suddenly many star rays appeared in the dark cosmos, and they fell towards the youth and others, directly forming knots. World, trapped all the hunters in the universe separately.

"This is the radiance of the star, are you a strong star, how is it possible, how can there be a strong star of the star state here!" The young man looked at the starry enchantment around him, suddenly thought of something, and exclaimed.

Old Fan looked at the black-clothed Xiao Chen next to him, and swallowed secretly, it turned out to be the starry ray of light, but the starry ray of light became the symbol of the starry star realm powerhouse. Fan knew that the black-clothed Xiao Chen was very strong, but he did not expect Black-clothed Xiao Chen has reached the Starlight Realm, or stronger.

Black-clothed Xiao Chen didn't speak, but just pulled out a star barrier and released a strong man in the early creation stage.

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