Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3551: Tear the skin!

"Little girl, you can solve your business by yourself, I'm going to see the beauty." Xiao Chen in black also got up and left.

"You guys who are not righteous." Su Ke cursed a little bit angrily.

"Su Ke, is this your so-called boyfriend?" Fu Shiyi sneered.

"Fu Shiyi, I have already said very clearly. Don't come to me in the future. In addition, don't try to do anything to the Su family. You can't afford the consequences. The housekeeper will see you off!"

Su Ke said indifferently, although she looked like a little woman when she first faced Xiao Chen, the Queen of Su Ke was full of fan.

Fu Shiyi looked at Su Ke in surprise. It was the first time he saw Su Ke like this, but it was more annoyed that Su Ke dared to threaten him!

"Very well, Su Ke, it seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine. If so, don't blame me for being impolite." Fu Shiyi's face became cold, and then snapped his fingers. Suddenly, there was a broken glass in the villa. Immediately after the voice, a man in black with a pistol broke in, and in Xiao Chen's room, several men in black with weapons, the black nozzle facing Xiao Chen and the others.

"Fu Shiyi, are you planning to completely tear your face with me?" Su Ke leaned back on the sofa lazily, his face calm, as if he hadn't seen the people in black around him.

"You deserve to be a queen, really calm, but bullets don't have eyes, I don't want you to do anything." Fu Shiyi stared at Su Ke's calm expression, his face flashed with surprise.

"Fu Shiyi, for the sake of our years of getting along, you stop now, I can consider letting you go." Su Ke said lightly.

"Su Ke, I really don't understand, where do you have the confidence to tell me this, do you rely on the Su family behind you?" Fu Shiyi asked in a puzzled manner. In his eyes, the Su family is just a handy The pinched ant, he couldn't understand what Su Ke relied on to dare to refuse him.

"Fu Shiyi, you have never understood me. If I rely on the Su family, with the selfish nature of the Su family vampires, they will only use various methods to squeeze me against me. When you learn that you pursue me, Su I'm afraid my family has already sent me to your bed."

Su Ke said lightly, there is no human touch among the wealthy, and some are just benefits and utilization. The Su family is a typical example.

Fu Shiyi frowned slightly. He had received all kinds of women sent to him. This kind of thing was very common. Although he didn't use any means to persecute Su Ke, it was indeed possible to send Su Ke to Su Ke by various means. He, and then get benefits from him.

But this kind of thing never happened once.

"When I became a movie queen, I never depended on the Su family, but on myself." Su Ke said lightly, then his eyes became cold, "Do it!"

As her voice fell, the shivering butler, servants, servants, etc. in the hall instantly turned into death, with various darts in their hands, faster than bullets, and easily shot through the neck of the man in black. Screaming again and again.

In just a moment of effort, all the people in black were subdued, and the servants who had been trembling with fright were staring at them with an extremely cold expression.

"How is this possible!" Fu Shiyi stood up suddenly, with an unbelievable expression on his face. These people in black were all hired by him at a big price, and they were all famous mercenaries, killers, and bounty hunters!

But now it is easy to be subdued. There is only one possibility. The methods of these servants in front of them are more powerful, but how did Su Ke recruit these people?

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