Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3544: Xiao Chen recovered!

Xiao Chen looked at Old Fan without saying a word, but his face became more gloomy.

"If it's the first one, then they didn't leave, only the smelly skins left. Isn't your feelings for them just smelly skins? If this is the case, your feelings are too superficial." Staring at Xiao Chen, he said very seriously.

Xiao Chen had a look on his face.

"If it's the second one, it's even simpler. As long as you break your own destiny with your fists, you will be able to control your future life!" Old Fan continued.

Xiao Chen's expression was another meal.

"If it's the third one, you should feel fortunate that the person you love chooses another way to stay with you. You must know that betrayal is the least sympathetic thing on the road to becoming stronger, so you are What are you attached to?"

Old Fan solemnly said that betrayal is a common thing on the road of cultivation, and it is also the least sympathetic thing.

"Yeah, what am I clinging to?" Xiao Chen murmured, he himself didn't know what he was clinging to, but he knew that no matter what happened, he shouldn't go on like this.

"Master, we hope you can live well, and we have not left. We have been with you all the time. It's just a different way. We are willing to grow stronger with you. May you be on the road to becoming stronger. Not lonely anymore!"

Outside the pavilion, Chu Yunmeng, Ke'er, Xia Ruoxi, Cheng Qingling, Chang Qianqian, Shangguanying, Tang Yanran, Duanmu Qinghan, Xiao Rou, and Mu Qingxuan gradually emerged, looking at Xiao Chen with gentle expressions.

Xiao Chen looked startled, looking at the familiar face, unable to say a word.

Old Fan changed his color slightly, "Someone broke into my illusion. Who is this person?"

Although the ten phantoms in front of him are illusory, he can make them out, but this is definitely not his handwriting, but an outsider has broken in and can move freely in his illusion.

"Live well!"

The ten phantoms gradually merged to form the figure of Su Ke. Looking at Xiao Chen, he said lightly: "Xiao Chen, I am them, and they are me. I can turn into them. I can accompany you every day. I can do anything. Do it again, make sure you can't get out of bed every day, what's your dissatisfaction?"

Hearing this, Xiao Chen looked at him for a while, and the next moment his face became completely dark, "Don't talk nonsense."

"Don't you like to be together? That's okay!" Su Ke gave Xiao Chen a look that you understand, with an ambiguous smile on his face.

"You can try." Xiao Chen said blankly.

"Asshole, you are really upset and kind, huh, man." Su Ke was angry in an instant. As expected, his expression became uncomfortable.

"It seems that the matter is resolved." A smile appeared on Fan's face.

"Don't you want it?" Xiao Chen looked at Su Ke. In his heart, Chu Yunmeng and the others are forever, they live in his memory, or they are Su Ke.

"Asshole, don't say it!" Su Ke was shy, if she let those fans see it, she wouldn't know what it would be like.

"Young man!" Old Fan smiled, and then waved his hand. The entire illusion had disappeared, and everyone reappeared in the starry sky. Old Fan glanced at Su Ke beside Xiao Ling, his eyes flashing solemnly.

Su Ke looked at Mr. Fan, smiled and nodded, thanking Mr. Fan for his help.

Old Fan also nodded, and then his eyes fell on the frontal battlefield. On the frontal battlefield, Xiao Chen's eyes had become piercing.

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