Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3542: At a loss!

"I don't know if he can accept this." Su Ke said in a daze. Xiao Chen's expression was too calm just now, and it was because it was too calm that people couldn't guess.

"You two should do it for yourself. No matter who you are, you will be upset if you are calculated or deceived." Xiao Ling glanced at the two of them, then glanced at the residence, found a room, and went to rest.

The black-clothed Xiao Chen didn't take things to heart at all. He just found a room without saying hello, and went to rest, leaving only Su Ke alone, a little at a loss.

In the starry sky, Xiao Chen had already left the galactic universe, walking aimlessly. At this moment, he suddenly felt the movement of fighting in the void.

Xiao Chen raised his eyes, he needed to vent now, his figure flashed, and he appeared near the battle soon.

At this time, five people were besieging one person. In addition, there were two other people watching the battle indifferently. These two people were obviously with the five being besieged.

Both sides of the battle were experts in the creation realm. After Xiao Chen appeared nearby, they felt the breath of Xiao Chen, and then wisps of divine consciousness fell on Xiao Chen.

"Killing God Xiao Chen!"

Suddenly a surprise sound came. The besieged person turned out to be Old Fan who left the Star Universe, but now he is the only one left, and the others are no longer there!

Xiao Chen looked at Mr. Fan without speaking, but a sword of killing condensed in his hand.

"Huh? I unexpectedly met another prey in the creation realm. It seems that this time I was lucky. I will hold him first. You will solve this old guy first."

One of the young men who were watching the battle said, and then directly killed Xiao Chen.

The killing sword intent broke out in Xiao Chen's body, and he urgently needed to vent the emotions in his heart, so he didn't keep a bit of his hand. He came up with a full slash.

The young man was slightly startled, and a black knife appeared in his hand, blocking Xiao Chen's attack. The next moment, Xiao Chen's hurricane attack had already fallen.

The young man held a knife to block Xiao Chen's attack, and at the same time frowned slightly. The current Xiao Chen didn't seem to be fighting at all, but simply vented his strength.

However, the youth didn't care. After all, such a battle was beneficial to him. As long as he waited until Xiao Chen's power was exhausted, the victory belonged to him.

"What's the matter, what kind of excitement did you get to kill the gods?" Fan Lao also felt that Xiao Chen was wrong, and he suddenly showed doubts, but now he can't protect himself, and he doesn't care what happened to Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen just wielded the sword desperately, without any skill at all, just simply venting his power.

"What a strong power, this kid is a little weird." The youth was slightly surprised. He had been defending, but soon he felt that he could not defend himself. Finally, after countless attacks, the youth was cut by Xiao Chen with a sword. Fly out.

"Boss, are you okay!"

Seeing the young man flying upside down, everyone else was slightly surprised.

"I'm fine." After the young man stabilized his figure, he shook his head and looked at Xiao Chen, slightly solemn.

Seeing this, Old Fan suddenly burst out of powerful power, and instantly there were countless palm prints around him, attacking the surrounding powerhouses, and he himself took the opportunity to escape the encirclement and appeared beside Xiao Chen.

"It's worthy of killing gods, and the power has become much stronger!" Old Fan complimented.

Xiao Chen didn't speak, there was no expression on his face.

Fan Lao glanced at Xiao Chen with some doubts. Now Xiao Chen's state is completely wrong. What happened to this made the very dazzling Xiao Chen indifferent.

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