Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3512: Attack again!

Cthulhu said in amazement that he was called Cthulhu because of this kind of evil power. With this kind of evil power, he could save a lot of power when confronting an enemy, but he didn't expect that Xiao Chen could see through it at a glance. Up!

"Didn't the **** who is exactly like me tell you that his physique is very special?" Xiao Chen asked.

"What do you mean?" Cthulhu asked.

"That bastard, you can also use other people's power for your own use, and I can also." Xiao Chen said, "In other words, your so-called evil power is useless in my eyes!"

The Cthulhu was somewhat astonished for a short time. His strongest power, the evil power he was most proud of, was useless in front of Xiao Chen. He didn't believe in this evil.

The Cthulhu didn't speak, but he held the sword of killing and continued to attack Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen kept parrying and being beaten under pressure, but it was only under pressure. It was still difficult for the two of them to tell the winner!

"Cthulhu, use the strongest power. If we continue to fight like this, we can't tell the winner!" Xiao Chen said, the Cthulhu can use his strength to fight, and he can do the same. If this goes on, they want to tell the winner. Know that the year of the monkey is coming!

"Okay, one move tells the winner!" Cthulhu Dao, the power in his body surging out, and constantly flocking to the killing sword in his hand, Xiao Chen also took a posture, and the power in his body continued to gather toward the killing sword!

The power on the Sword of Slaughter became stronger and stronger, and the atmosphere between the two became more and more tense. Others also felt this tense atmosphere. They looked at Xiao Chen nervously, including Qingdi and the others, and even forgot. To guard against killer bees!


When the atmosphere between the two reached extremes, the two yelled at the same time, and the killing swords in their hands slammed together, and the time and space seemed to be static. There were only two people in their eyes, only the killing swords colliding together.

The next moment, centered on the two, an indescribable destructive force spread to the surroundings, and everything they passed was destroyed. Tianxinger and the others quickly retreated, looking at the great terror, cold sweat appeared on their foreheads!

They didn't stop until they didn't know how far to withdraw. Seeing the destructive power in front of them, they all swallowed subconsciously.

However, when they were shocked, they did not see a red figure, ignoring the destructive power of the whole body, and heading towards the place where Xiao Chen and the evil **** were fighting. This figure was no one else, it was the Killer Bee!

Such a horrible confrontation, even if he could not do it, in his opinion, the Cthulhu and the Killing God must have suffered both losses, and this was his opportunity. Soon, the Killer Bee saw Xiao Chen and the Cthulhu!

At this time, the two stood opposite each other. Although their bodies were upright, their breath was weak, and their bodies were tattered and bloody.

Joy flashed across Killer Bee's face, followed by a cruel face, lurking towards Xiao Chen. Moreover, in his heart, Xiao Chen was too weird and more difficult to deal with than the Heretic God, so his first target was Xiao Chen!

Xiao Chen flashed directly behind Xiao Chen, with a scarlet poisonous thorn in his hand, still choosing to sneak attack, with a cruel color, the scarlet poisonous thorn in his hand stab Xiao Chen fiercely!

"Killer bee, you still can't change things like eating shit, and sneak attacks, one can not be two!" Just when the killer bee was about to succeed, Xiao Chen's faint voice came over. The next moment, the killer bee will kill. Already stabbed in the air, I don't know when, Xiao Chen has already appeared behind the Killer Bee, looking at him indifferently!

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