Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3506: Cthulhu wars and kills God!

"Boy, you shut up!" Murder Bee was furious!

"Hahaha, I won't say, I won't say, Little Bee!" Xiao Chen smiled.

"Xiao Chen, I'm going to kill you!" Killer Bee wanted to do something, but at this moment, a pure killing intent suddenly locked on him, and the master of the killing intent was the Cthulhu!

"He is my prey, you should withdraw first, otherwise I will kill you together!" Cthulhu said in a commanding tone.

Hearing this, Killer Bee's face sank, staring at Cthulhu, and said coldly: "Cthulhu, who do you think you are, dare to order me, don't forget, we are a cooperative relationship, you are not qualified to order me!"

"If you are not convinced, we can fight first!" Cthulhu said coldly.

Hearing that, Killer Bee's expression stiffened. He was not afraid of the evil god, but his goal was Xiao Chen. If he were to fight the evil **** now, he would only waste his power for no reason, and some of the gains would not be worth the loss, but if he retreats, everyone would think that He was afraid of the evil god!

But it was clear that Killer Bee hated Xiao Chen even more. After thinking about it, he was not talking, but took a step back. His meaning was obvious.

The Cthulhu was not watching the Killer Bee, but jumped off the lotus platform and walked towards the center of the galaxy step by step!

Seeing this, Xiao Chen walked towards the center of the galaxy step by step!

As the two got closer and closer, the aura of killing continued to emerge from the two of them, and the killing aura of the two continued to collide, and the entire Galaxy was suddenly full of killing aura!

"What a pure killing intent, the killing aura of these two people is the same root, what is going on?" Murder Bee frowned, with some doubts on his face.

The strong man who killed the universe also showed incredible expression on his face. This was the first time they had seen someone who could match the evil spirit's killing intent. They were shocked and puzzled!

"Oh? The killing aura is so strong, I didn't expect that you who are not the killing universe can also condense such a strong killing aura!" Cthulhu said in surprise.

"You think that the title of my killing **** Xiao Chen is for nothing!" Xiao Chen said.

"A good killing **** Xiao Chen, then let me try your skills, the sword of killing!" Cthulhu Dao, then pointed at Xiao Chen, the sword of killing aura was condensed, and hundreds of swords of killing were formed instantly, and then suddenly Shooting at Xiao Chen, the speed is extremely fast!

Xiao Chen was always paying attention to the actions of the Heretic God. At the moment he did it, Xiao Chen also began to do it. The same killing swords were shot out. Suddenly countless killing swords collided directly in mid-air. The whole neighborhood was full of killings. Sword intent, this kind of killing sword intent, I am afraid that it can easily strangle the Mahayana strong!

"Sword of Slaughter!" After trying a trick, the Cthulhu God stretched out his hand faintly, and then condensed a long sword full of killing aura in his hand. At the point of his feet, the Cthulhu God already held the sword and killed Xiao Chen!

In Xiao Chen's hand, a long sword condensed with pure killing aura also appeared, and then a little bit under his feet, it also rushed towards the evil god!

The two met in the middle of the galaxy. The two killing swords slammed together. Suddenly, a terrifying sword-blade storm, centered on the two, vented towards the surroundings. In this sword-blade storm, all matter Invisible!

"The long-lost feeling of killing is getting more and more excited!" The Cthulhu's face was full of excitement, and the long sword in his hand was constantly cutting down at Xiao Chen, the sword intent screamed, killing all over the sky!

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