Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3485: Fight again!

"Let's go!" Xiao Ling smiled, but at this moment, she and Xiao Chen's expressions were suddenly startled, Xiao Ling looked at Xiao Chen, "It seems that you need to solve a little trouble first!"

"I just want to try the power of Pan Gu Axe!" Xiao Chen said coldly, a little bit under his feet, leaving behind an afterimage, and the person has disappeared.

At this moment, somewhere in the void, Li Shan was lying in the void, and she was equally injured. The new destructive power was recovering for her, but at this moment, an uninvited guest appeared beside her, and this uninvited guest was the sky. Sha!

"It's really interesting, a mere avatar, not only betrayed the deity, but also separated from the deity and cultivated to the realm of no less than the deity. How did you do it?"

Tian Sha looked at Li Shan indifferently.

Li Shan frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy in her heart. She knew the nature of the evil spirit best. She used to be the incarnation of the evil spirit, but now she was separated from her, and the evil spirit would definitely not allow this to happen.

"I am Li Shan now, not the incarnation of the evil spirits. Why should I answer your words?" Although Li Shan was uneasy, her attitude was still tough.

"It seems that after you got rid of the identity of the incarnation of the evil spirit, you are a little bit proud, and you even forgot the horror of the deity. The deity doesn't mind making you think about it!" Tiansha said indifferently.

"Hahaha, the horror of the gods, a joke, if it weren't for my serious injury now, I would definitely let you **** horror!"

Li Shan sneered, her new move was originally reserved for the evil spirits, but she didn't expect to confront the killer bee first, and be seriously injured by the killer bees, and even more tragically, she was hit by the evil spirits!

"It's a pity that you don't have the chance. A mere avatar wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with the deity, and can't help it!" Tian Sha said indifferently, raising his palm and taking a picture of Li Shan!

"What do you want to do to my fourth sister!"

At this moment, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded, and then a figure flickered, and soon fell down, it was Xiao Chen!

"It's you, you can already move?" Tian Sha looked at Xiao Chen, a look of surprise flashed in his indifferent eyes.

"Tian Sha, it's been a long time!" Xiao Chen said indifferently. Once upon a time, he was almost killed easily by Tian Sha, but this time when Xiao Chen faced Tian Sha, he didn't care about it.

"You are really surprising. The ants that you can kill at the beginning have grown to this point in a short period of time, but unfortunately, the deity is not the gods of the past. There is nothing for you here. Leave immediately, otherwise the deity will even Kill it together!"

Tian Sha said indifferently, even though she was surprised at the speed at which Xiao Chen's cultivation was improving, in her heart, she still didn't put Xiao Chen in her eyes.

"I want to see, how did you kill me with me!" Xiao Chen said coldly, a little bit below his feet, he had already come to Tiansha, and Pangu axe swept out, although there is no power, but the sky Sha but instinctively felt a crisis, and subconsciously turned over and retreated!

Xiao Chen stood by Li Shan, looked at Tian Sha, and said coldly: "Tian Sha, now is not your time. If the fourth sister was not seriously injured, she alone would be enough to kill you!"

"Yes!" Li Shan said unwillingly. If it weren't for being seriously injured by the Killer Bee, she must now fight Tiansha.

"Just relying on her, foolish people talking about dreams, since you are ignorant, the deity will send you to **** together!" Tian Sha coldly snorted, and the power of destruction surged out, forming a giant hand and grabbed it against Xiao Chen!

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