Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3469: Reach a cooperation!

"It turned out to be so, but you should also know that the creator has absolute power, even if we cooperate, it is of no use at all."

Xiao Chen said solemnly, the creators have absolute control and can't be defeated by quantity at all.

"So I want to cooperate with you, because Big Brother Qingdi said that if anyone can defeat the Killer Bee, there will be no second person besides you, even the Sky Star of the Sky Star Universe."

Qing Xiao said, looking at Xiao Chen in front of him, his face was full of suspicion, Xiao Chen in front of him couldn't even beat him, let alone kill the Killer Bee, but Qing Emperor believed Xiao Chen very much, but they didn't take advantage of this. If he took the second chance, I'm afraid he won't have any chance in the future, so even if he doesn't believe in Xiao Chen, he can only find Xiao Chen for cooperation.

"Qingdi really trusts me. I will try my best to live up to this trust." Xiao Chen smiled, with a confident expression on his face. Here are his daughters, his brothers and sisters, his friends, and his disciples. , He has everything, so he must not lose!

"Then we have reached a cooperation?" Qing Xiao was taken aback, looking at the confident smile on Xiao Chen's face, slightly moved, he didn't understand where Xiao Chen's confidence came from.

"Well, if you cooperate, you only need to secretly evacuate your people from Galaxy, and everything will be said after Tian Xing'er and Killer Bee have decided the winner."

Xiao Chen thought for a while, and challenged the Killer Bee with his current strength, undoubtedly hitting the stone with an egg, he could only hope that Tian Xing'er would hold on for more time.

"Don't you need us to help you kill others?" Qing Xiao asked.

"No need, if the winner is determined too early, it will cause the Killer Bee to alert, and your withdrawal will be very beneficial to us!" Xiao Chen said.

"Okay, then we will withdraw first. Let's take the hive completely in our hands and talk about it. After all, the hive is also a special universe!"

Qing Xiao smiled and said that he appeared in front of Xiao Chen with only the purpose of saying hello, and then turned around and came to the super strong, taking those super strong, without saying a word, and has already withdrawn.

"Master, are you okay?"

Shunyue and the others came to Xiao Chen and asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, what happened to your recovery?" Xiao Chen shook his head.

"It's almost there!" Shunyue said.

Xiao Chen nodded, and then moved his mind. Sidonian had already appeared next to him and said, "I will leave it to protect you. You should be careful and try not to go too deep!"

"Yes, thank you Master!"

Shunyue nodded, and at the same time felt a little sad, she felt that they were a bit of a drag on Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen didn't notice their expressions, and nodded, he had already left, and went to the depths to kill!

This time Xiao Chen didn't keep his hands, all kinds of big tricks, crazy use, as long as you encounter the evil demon outside the territory, first report the name of the **** of death, and then the crazy killing.

Xiao Chen's pit fate value increased crazily, and the name of Killing God became louder and louder.

The battle between the two universes is crazy, bloody, and endless!

The war had been going on for half a month, blood was flowing in the galaxy, and the stumps were all over, and some creatures did not even leave the stumps, and most of the creatures had already killed red eyes.

Somewhere in the galaxy, Xiao Chen made a single shot, bloody, his eyes were red, and his killing aura was icy cold. Within a hundred miles, there were no creatures. Whether it was an evil demon from outside the territory or a strong star in the universe, they looked with fear. Xiao Chen.

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