Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3448: The strength of the spirit race!

Xiao Chen said lightly, Shenhuang Absolute Body can be transformed into various powers, even spiritual powers can be easily used.

"What the **** are you?" Lingbao said solemnly, for a while, the Demon Race, and the Spirit Race for a while, even he didn't know what kind of race Xiao Chen was.

"You are the thing!" Xiao Chen said coldly.

"Aren't you something?" Lingbao asked back.

Xiao Chen was startled, your sister, she was actually smashed by this stalk, anger flashed across her face, a little bit below her feet, she appeared above the leopard, and slapped her paw.

It’s a pity that Xiao Chen took a shot directly. I don’t know when, Ling Leopard has already appeared behind him, but instead slapped him with a paw, but the next moment, Xiao Chen’s figure also disappeared, and Ling Leopard also took a picture. air.

When Lingbao shot the air, Xiao Chen appeared behind him again, of course, the same shot. You come and go, and no one can hurt anyone.

"So fast, I can't catch anything!"

"Is this the battle of the super strong? We are still a bit too tender!"

"Quickly, when they just fought with me, they didn't show their true strength at all!" Mo Tuo's expression changed. Xiao Chen's battle with Lingbao made him understand what speed is. The four of them just chased him and killed him completely. It's the attitude of holding cats and mice!

The spirit snake, the spirit tiger, and the spirit wolf looked at each other and directly joined the battle. Then, above the galaxy, they saw four rays of light running after one of them, and the speed of the five rays of light was comparable. At the same time, there was a collision sound from time to time.

Boom boom boom!

The five figures continued to collide, and the power was surging. Within a few breaths, there have been hundreds of collisions. The powerful force made it impossible for the surrounding strong to approach. At this moment, a figure flew out, and then Falling to the side, a cold face appeared, it was the spirit snake!

He is not good at pure power, but better at toxins. After several collisions with Xiao Chen, he was blasted out by Xiao Chen. However, he also left the toxins on Xiao Chen's fist during the collision, which would not take long. , Xiao Chen would be weakened by the toxin.

It’s just that his thoughts are destined to fall to nothing. Xiao Chen has long since been invaded by poisons. After Xiao Chen’s poisonous outbreak, Xiao Chen still did not weaken. Instead, the more he fought and the more courageous, his strength became stronger and stronger. The sound of collision kept coming, and the spirit leopard, spirit wolf, and spirit tiger were all knocked into flight.

The four fell together, staring at Xiao Chen who had turned into a white ape, panting slightly, and his eyes were a little serious. Xiao Chen's speed was not weaker than them, but Xiao Chen's strength was stronger than them. , They can't win at all.

"How is it possible that you have been poisoned by my spirit snake venom, how can you have nothing to do!" The spirit snake stared at Xiao Chen, in disbelief.

"This killing **** is already invaded by a hundred venoms, and the mere snake venom can do anything to me!" Xiao Chen said with disdain.

"How is it possible, even if you are a Saint General, it is impossible to have nothing to do with my snake venom, who are you?" Spirit Snake still said in disbelief.

"That's true for Xiao Chen, the **** of killing!" Xiao Chen looked at the four of them, and said, "With the strength of the four of you, you can't beat me, but as far as I know, the talent of the Spirit Race is very powerful. It stands to reason. The weakest of you should be half-step creation, but you are still in the Mahayana state. It seems that your potential has not been fully tapped. Do you want to go further and break through half-step creation?"

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